in #food7 years ago (edited)

Hi, Dear steemians in this post i want to share with you benefits of camel milk. I want to show includ nutrietional of some others benefits of camel Milk.

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Many benefits of camel milk than others type of milk like goat, buffalo and cow. Camel milk healthier than cow milk. its like human mother milk easy to consume and digest by human gut. its nutritional value high than cow milk.

What are the Differences…????

The many basic difference between the camel mil and cow milk. Let's I tell you about these.

Camel milk contain good concentration of minerals like iron, zinc, potassium, sodium and megnesium.


It contain higher protein than cow and contain vitamin A and B2 .
It contains good amount of vitamin C than cow milk.
Good Source of essential B-Vitamins than cow.
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It contains un-satuerated fatty acids. Due to this cholestrole level not increase. It contain low fat than cow milk.

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Camel milk good source of different whey proteins and caseins due to this camel milk have more healing property than cow.


Camel milk contains a lower amount of lactose because of this it is good for diabetic patients.

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today we facing many viral and bacterial diseases. Camel mil also have anti-bacterial and antiviral characteristics.
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Camel milk is not become in solid form easily and easy to digest.

Health Benefits Of Camel Milk
Now i tell you about some health benefits of camel milk. Camel milk is good for health than others kind of milk.

Best For Alergic Childeren

Camel milk is best for those childern whos severaly alergic from milk and other kinds of foods. In camel milk immunoglobulins present which reduce to alergies and symptoms of alergy.

Control Autoimmune Disorders

Camel milk is rich in immunoglobulins and ati-bodies which hit the forieg bodies and provide protection from many diseases.

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Camel milk help in controling curb and autistics symptems because camel milk have anti-oxidants properties.



Camel milk is rich in ati-oxidants which make it great remedy for eleminating free-radicals. The anti-oxidative quality also makes it very good for human healty.


Anti Diabetic

Camel milk has an insulin which makes blood abosorption easier this insulin like protein and it reduce the effect of diabeties.

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Anti Inflammatory

Good anti inflammatory agent
Control cough
Relieve arthritic and rheumatic pain

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Good For Weight Loss

In camel milk low fat and has insulin that regulate the blood circulation and safe the human from over-weihting. Camel milk rich in nutrients vitamins, minerlas etc which lower the cholestrol level and prevent to obsity.


Share the benefits of camel milk for safety of human health for happy life.

Thank You

(Image source)
https://www.google.com.pk/search?biw=1600&bih=745&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=OPBoWsfSIMSmwQKX_peADg&q=autoimmune&oq=autoimmune&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l10.1499024.1506048.0.1506984. https://www.google.com.pk/search?biw=1600&bih=745&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=rvdoWoWbFdGP0gW0wISgBw&q=anti-oxidant&oq=anti-oxidant&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i10k1l10.686322.693179.0.694137.
