in #food7 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemians, From some days I was thinking to share my life story with you but I take some time to give words to my life and past. Everyone has a story in their lives some ups and downs are part of every person life. Because life is the combination of happiness and sadness.


My Childhood
I was the dear and dear son of my parents. My father was an Officer and his rank was 17. He was not a private Officer he was a Government Officer in Irrigation Department under Government of Punjab Pakistan. My birth date is Monday 01 May 1991. When we born our luck has been written by God and that remained with us until our death. In my childhood, I also have many dreams in my eyes and I have also some little goals in my little age. As a Muslim, the Muslim's parents sent their child to Masjid for religious education. I finish Quran-E-Pak at my age of 8 years. My date of birth is 01 may I born in an Officer home but the date was wrong which was labor day actually. In Pakistan, if your father is an Officer and Officer at 17 grade it's your good luck and you can enjoy every facility of life because of it, but something went wrong with me from my childhood.When I was 8 years old I was a student of the second class in a good private school but in those days an incident situated with me and my family. During a journey, my father faced an accident. Due to the accident, he becomes injured and injury on the backbone at the spinal cord. Due to that accident, my total life changed the date of birth labor day lead me to the labor. My father nervous system damaged by that accident hit and he becomes lifetime patient of the nervous system. In the start, we cure of my father as we can but he did not recover. We are two brothers and two sisters and after my one sister, I am elder of all from my family as an elder male all burden of the family depends on me from my childhood. Approximately I was 8 years old when I am facing this problem of my family. Due to the big expenses of my father medicines and include expenses of the study of my brothers and sisters my family was in big trouble. As an elder son, I was responsible for my family after my father. I leave my school and went to Lahore from my city Okara for a job I was eight years old only.

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Life In Lahore
Everyone thinks when you only eight years old and leave your study and you become an unknown city what is the condition of you????? A big question mark but I faced it. My books were me and a relative of us bring me toward a hotel which name is "Lahore Broast". He asked hotel manager if you have any job tell me. He said you want a job but he replied not this child who with me need the job here at your restaurant. The hotel manager said he is much little in age but I managed. The hotel manager gives me the job of a dishwasher. I asked the manager if you have not any objection I can study my books in my free time he said sure why not if you want to study we support you as we can. I start my first career job in my childhood as a dishwasher and continue my study. All staff hotel support me and courage me. My first salary was 2200/- only.



In Lahore Broast hotel I work in every department like as a waiter, dishwasher, salter of chicken pieces, Operator of the mechanical peeler for peeling of potato and as a sale man at the counter. With the passage of time, I pass my eight class at the same place and also supporting my family as I can support. In eight class I took good marks from all my villagers regular class fellows who were the regular class attendants but I was doing the job and also studying. When this thing comes to the knowledge of our village school teachers they call me and appreciate me. The school teachers said to me we can give you admission to our school and we will support you. But I told them I do not need their support and I can't attend classes of school on the regular basis because I am supporting my family through my job. All teachers of my village school said me you don't worry about your regular classes we will manage. I agreed and take admission in the school in ninth class in the science section. Now my responsibility enhanced every teacher support me and hope with me he done well. My papers were combined ninth and tenth class before four months of my papers I leave my job for my study and I take the third position in my class with good marks and makes proud to my parents and my teacher at me. A


Happiness Of My Family
Due to my father incident my family lost the colors of life they were in search of a happy movement but all happiness has sulked with me and my family. In shape of my matric certificate a smile comeback on my family faces and it was my big achievement of life I never forget that movement of my life. I was very happy to see the smile on my family faces especially my father face. one special thing which I forget when my result announced that was 8th August 2008 and I was at hotel Multan Chongi Branch Lahore Broast. In all hotel servants, there was a sweet divided on my good result of matric and all said to me congratulation. A big turn of my life.


What I Missed In My Life

When I was a hotel in my little age in the morning when children were going to school I was weeping after seeing them. I could not play like others due to this I lose my confidence. Becuase I was thinking I am not a normal boy and my life is not normal like others.


Life After Materic
After my matric my confidence level was high. I left my hotel job and start to search a good job where I can take regular classes. I try my best finally my cousin informs me Muslim Town Morh Lahore a job in an office as an office boy if you want to go there for the interview. I passed that interview and start my job of an office attendant. it was the office of Warid Telecom. My work was in office to clean all office, the dusting of office and serve water tea and others thing like an office attendant to all staff include guests. A Pakistani girl was cames from America her previous country was America where she was lived was our office receptionist. Her name was Shireen Malik who well supported me and trained me about computer skill such as typing, net browsing, printing, scanning and how to make a Gmail account etc. My confidence level bost up and after the marriage of that girl I became a reception person at that office. I worked in this office two years from 20008 to 2010.


I want to improve my study but I don't like arts subject and like some technical education like science subjects, medical f.s.c or pre-f.s.c engineering. But during my job, it was not possible to take regular classes. I pass my intermediate F.A in good marks and during this, my little brother also passed his matric. I want to see my brother as an engineer like my father but my brother was not good in the study due to that he did a diploma of Health Officer and early join a job of Health Officer in Rawalpindi.

My Medical Lab Crear
In which office I was working there two partners and two owners of that office. They become angry with each other and their business flopped and my job is gone. After all options, one option remained in my mind for a job that was the job of my past Restuarant job. After the official job, I was not interested and nor enjoyed hotel job. I discussed my problem with my one cousin who was working as Medical Lab technician in a private hospital. He said me you can learn the skill of medical lab from me in night shift if you have time. I started that daytime I worked in a hotel and night time I learned medical laboratory skills. After few months I well trained. When the Dengue fever infection spread in Pakistan and particularly in Lahore the same hospital where I was getting training offer me the job of lab assistant due to the big number of patients in their hospital. From 6:00 am to 3:00 pm my duty was in the hospital and after that, I worked at the hotel as a waiter from 3:00 pm to 1:00 am. There were very tough days of my life I can't forget. I can perform all routine blood tests without some specials test.


Say Good-Bye To Lahore

I was working from my childhood and I see the different color of life and my observation without education life is not possible. My family established due to job of my little brother now I want complete my ambition of study. I said goodbye to Lahore in 2013. I start my little job in my city. 2o15 I took admission in food technology diploma (D.A.E) in Sahiwal city and continue my study my dream higher education.


I hope you like my real story of life and continue hard work in your life.

Regard: Muhammad Akmal

Thank you


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Amazing story! People are the same all over the world :)