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RE: A Story of a "Vegetarian Since Birth" & Who has a passion for all animals.. Myths about Vegetarians..

in #food6 years ago

This is a really well written post. I just have to ask to clarify so I have the full context. You are vegetarian not vegan? So you eat eggs and dairy?
I've always wondered why it is that in India where the cow is supposed to be holy people still use them for milk?
That is to me worse than just breeding them for meat considering what they have to go through in their short life.
Would love to get your view in this.
Lots of love / Nicole


Id say im eggitarian.. Iv been into fittness since 16years of age. I did try going vegan, but im alergic to soy. I like to travel, so many times i have no choice but to eat bread or cakes or chocolates, that has eggs only when i travel.

As for cows in india, yes its a major issue across the world, the dairy industry is sick. Well there are some local dairies, that still use old hand methods, and they first let the calf drink the milk, then they remove it for us. These dairies are controlled by "Jains", basically its sold as "Jain Milk", the money earned goes into taking care of the infra, cows and the staff 100%, as its handled by the "Jain Trust" who is not intrested in making money out of it, as its funded by rich jains. Jains in india are one of the richest people in the country, most of them are Diamond Merchants or Gold Traders, etc.

However the new government is trying to bring changes, but the milk industry is very powerful, so it will take a while.

Thank you. Do look into Jainism in detain in my 2 part post.. :)

Ah I see, there is so much else to eat instead of soy to get that protein ;). And I have no idea where you travel and I know that at some locations it's really hard to find vegan food.
But happycow have really helped me on my travels to find good vegan food.

It sure is a major issue and I'm not sure I would be comfortable drinking milk even if it's marked as Jain milk. To me it's linked to much with health issues as well. But it's great to hear that practices like that does excist.
It will come to a change soon as more and more people are waking up to the fact that you don't need to eat anything that comes from animals to stay healthy. Well those who have insane amounts of allergies I understand that it might be hard but as technology develops it will be easier for them too to choose a more friendly alternative.

I sure will =) I love to read more about it.

Its not marked as Jain Milk, its called Jain Milk. The guy comes personally to give the milk, and one can visit the dairy anytime of the day unlike other industrial dairies. Also donate.

Ahh I see, that's great. And also good that you can come and visit. Maybe pet the cows and calves too? :)

yup.. these places are called "Panjrapol" in Gujarati (one of the languages in India)..

Wow, I need to go to India and pet the cows. And also for all the good food =)

Yes slowly India is converting to all non GMO food. technologies like aquaponis/hydroponics are also being used by some of them, calling is soil-less farming.. My sisters boyfriend has started a soil-less strawberry farm 2 years ago, doing great..

Wow that sounds amazing. I know we have some kind of initiative here in Sweden too with herbs and salads.
I think it really is the future since we can farm upwards and get a higher yeld that way. And not as much land is needed = more space for trees and bushes to produce oxygen :)