10 Shocking Facts About McDonald's

in #food7 years ago


10- ln 2012 McDonalds stopped using beef filler in their U.S. pattes. Made by washing unwanted meat in ammonium hydroxide, it resembled "pink slime".


9-A Mcjob is in the dictionary as a low-paid job with few prospects. A worker on min. wage would need to work.. 1.2 million hours to earn the $8.75 million paid annually to Ceo Jim Skinner.


8-Between 1995 & 2000, almost all top prizes in the McDonald`s Monopoly promo were won fraudulently.$13 million in prizes were given to wemployees of the company running the promo.


Americans eat 5 billion pounds of McDonald`s beef a year. Amounting to 5.5w million cows, this is the total number of cattle in England.


Stella Liebeck suffered 3rd degree burns by spilling McDonalds coffee in her lap.Her medical bills cost $10,000 but McDonalds only offered $800. She won over $500,000 after a court battle.


McDonalds serves 68 million people a day, which is almost 1% of the worlds population.They sell 75 hamburgers a second.


The first drive-thru opened to serve U.S soliders not allowed out of vehicles in uniform.When drive-thrus opened in China, confused customers got served at the drive-thru, parked their cars & ate in the restaurant.


The golden arches are now more widely recognized than the Christian Cross.%88 of people could identify the arches versus %54 for the Cross.


Guantanamo Bay has its own McDonald`s the first & only one in Cuba. lnmantes whı cııoerate are allegedly given Big Macs & fries.


ln the 1960s the logo was going to be changed. Design consultant Cheskin persuade them not to... as the golden arches subconsciously reminded customers of large breasts.


Damn, whats probably more shocking is I bet everyone who reads this has a horror story about Mc Donalds or knew one or more of these facts and we all still eat there at least once a year........

I like there coffee the plain old coffee their mccafe wanna bee starbux drinks suck and give me a headache. I would rather starve then eat any of their food but sometimes your at work and its the closest and fastest drive thru that how they get you.

Wow ... 70 hamburgers a second, that's impressive. It's a shame how they offered only 800$ to the person.. Do you think she did the right thing by going to the court ?

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