Green Peas are the Best , And Not Just For Your Body

in #food6 years ago

Pea, Pod, Green, Vegetables, Plant
image via pixabay

Green peas on top of being one of the healthiest foods in the world, is also one of the more environmentally friendly crops.

Most of us are fully and horrifically aware of the damage livestock farming does on the environment. But did you know that even with all that collateral damage of the meat trade, only 5% of the original protein survives the conversion and journey of animal feed, to animal, to meat on you dinner plate? This is an unsustainable and detrimental protein source.

There are other, green ways to receive your necessary protein intake. A typical 1 cup serving of green peas is packed with 8 grams of protein. All this protein without the saturated fat and cholesterol in a serving of meat.

My vegetarian plug aside, green peas also benefit the environment by essentially resetting the nitrogen levels in nutrient depleted soils. There are many ways that growing green peas is good for the Earth. Because of the shallow root system of this legume, growing green peas causes less soil erosion than other crops. Rotating green peas with other crops has been proven to be beneficial for pest reduction. The small plant remainders left behind after harvesting peas breaks down easily, replenishing the soil with the many vitamins and minerals of the crop.

What’s good for your body, is good for earth. So celebrate this amazing little legume, and go eat some peas.


Green peas indeed are very eco friendly. This is one of the crops that nature needs. Anyone thinking about saving the environment should consider these legumes. From having proteins to pest reduction. The peas, quietly help nature.

nice to health Because of their sweet taste and starchy texture we know that green peas must contain some sugar and starch and they do But they also contain a unique assortment of health protective phytonutrients One of these phytonutrients a polyphenol called coumestrol has recently come to the forefront of research with respect to stomach cancer protection A Mexico City based study has shown that daily consumption of green peas along with other legumes lowers risk of stomach cancer gastric cancer

Yes I like it too. I have also posted about this 2 days ago. Here it is

Posted using Partiko Android

Creating Peas dish at time of lunch is really good . And green vegetables is always good for health it keeps your sking good and shiny. Good one.

Posted using Partiko Android

I used to hate green peas when I was kid.. But growing up, I realized the benefits of eating them, high in nutrients and antioxidants.

I developed my liking for green peas, when I found out that it's rich in vitamin K, fiber, thiamin, vitamin A, manganese, vitamin C, and folate.

green peas offers a remarkable nutrition profile, really good for the health.

Great post!As you said,we need to eat a lot of crops,like legumes,seeds and nuts every day to stay healthy and for the earth.

green peas are considered as a superfood, because it contains many essential nutrients.

Green peas are fairly low in calories and contain several vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They're also high in fiber and protein.