PULP By Papa Palheta

in #food7 years ago


As I was looking for a nice way to spend a Christmas eve morning and break the monotony of the working week, a morning breakfast date with my best friend sounded like a rather inviting prospect, especially when the venue in question was the PULP cafe.

Located at APW Bangsar, printing factory at first and has been transformed into a nice cozy cafe that can fit a generous amount of cafe goers and those late birds. The architecture of the whole cafe is bases on the theme of mother nature, surrounded by wood planks as walls decoration, naked ceiling concept with nice wood logs bringing mature nature in to this busy city.


There are a wide choice of food to select off the menu, I've decided to go with these two dishes. The Salmon Roll and French Toast. Trust me, my words don't give any justice to how delicious and juicy the salmon tasted. The freshness is in every single bite! Wrapped with a thin layer of dough, together with onions and lettuce emm.. perfection!


Last but not the least, French Toast! Doesn't look like it right? Its very special where french toast comes in cubes and topped with ICE CREAM! A fantastic twist in french toast as usually its topped with honey and butter. There are mixtures of strawberry, cookie and some kinda flavor petals as you can see in the picture. This is a must to try guys if you ever visiting Pulp Cafe.

Till next time! Stay tuned for more posting about food and lifestyle.
