CHICKEN CURRY STEW IN A POT! This is a quick recipe I use often. 60 minutes to serve.

in #food8 years ago (edited)

Stews are excellent meals, many recipes exist out there and we all have some that we have made up ourselves, this is one that I have used many times:

First fry in some onions and garlic in a bit of oil, small temperature, so they don't burn. (5 to 10 minutes til they soften up)


Dice up 1 capsicum and 1 cellery.


When the onions have softened, add this to the mix and fry for a max of 10 minutes.


Dice up 1 chicken or turkey fillet. (approximately 500 grams = 1/2 a kg)


Add to the mix, keep stiring every now and then, as necessary for about 30 minutes.


1 can of beans


Garlic (ground or dried powder)

Add these as per your liking, but don't ver do it!


Keep stiring after adding these ingredients for a total of 45 minutes. (chicken and beans must bee cooked)


In another pot heat up water with salt and cooking oil


Cook up a batch of pasta (500 grams = 1/2 kg)



So after the 45 minutes are up with our main mix, add the pasta and cook for an added 5 minutes.


Total to finish off is roughly 50 minutes of cooking and add on to that the dicing and prep time, roughly 1 hour in total.

A good tasty meal for the family in 60 minutes.


Steady and delicious times

I've been neglecting celery. Thanks :)

This looks very tasteful, going to try this soon. Thank you for sharing

Great recipe! - nothing beats a good curry or stew :) I always cook off a small tea spoon of spice on a dry heat to bring out some of the aromas before adding oil when making a curry..whatever you use later cumin, corriander based NOT chilli powder though! This is how my partner taught me - her dad was from Pakistan and made the best curries ever...mmmmm! Following and RESTEEMED **

Very nice photos, how you take such a beautiful photo, perfect wow, this is a very tasty food, inspiring my taste, so I'm hungry, the dish is food and you take it thoroughly and make a very beautiful picture in the eye, Suitable food served for big and perfect events to taste, good post and success for you.

It up my appetite 😄

this is great content for steemit sylviamiller!
