Low Carb Pizza - Tuna Protein ground Pizza

in #food7 years ago

Hi World, 

i want to present you my low carb Pizza.
It is really easy to make and it takes round about 1 hour to make this.

What we need for the ground:

1,5 tins Tuna with own juice
2 eggs

What we need for the toping:
Tomato sauce and cheese
And what you want :)

First we put the 2 eggs in a bowl and mix it well.
Then we have to drip down the juice of the tuna.
After that we put the tuna (without juice) in the bowl and disperising it together with the eggs.
Use your hands for disperising !
Now we can put the tuna on a pan liner and form it round like a pizza.
The height should be  0,4-0,6 cm. But here you have to look how crispy you like it.
It should look like this: 

You can also put addionally more eggs and tuna to make a bigger pizza.
But the basic is 2 egg for 1,5 tins tuna.
This comes for 12-15 minutes in a pre-heatet oven with 180°.

After taking the ground out first put tomato sauce on the ground. Now take salt, pepper and oregano to flavor.
And then cheese on it :)

Now you can prov your pizza for your own. Whatcha like ? More tuna ? More cheese ? Mushroom ??? Or an Egg ?? Tell me please what you take !

After you finish with everything we have to put the pizza in the oven again for about 20 minutes. Take it out when the cheese become gold/brown.

Any questions or suggestions ? Feel free to ask me :)

At the end it should look like this:

I hope you enjoy it... yumi yumi :)

So long so far, Tahref


tuna on pizza is kind of gross dude

you don´t like tuna on pizza ?
im my way you can double eat tuna yumi yumi. On the top and the base :)

Low carb pizza.. Count me in!!! ^.^

yeah please try t :)

im sooo hungry right noooow :(

me too :P

yes please try it :) ! It is really easy to make