howdy there @thekitchenfairy! glad to hear you git to go away for awhile, you deserve it. hey those ain't no cakes! those are dollar pancakes, just need the Maple syrup. lol
have a good time!
Tons of shopping today....junk food I must add 🤣 But of course, I left stores with various baking molds and pans, seriously relaxing when I was at baking aisles 😉
Saya suka banget wingko babad, terakhir makan beberapa tahun yg lalu waktu mudik ke rmh alm. Mbah Puteri di Jombang ,
tapi di Bogor sepertinya ngga ada yg jual ..
Wingko babat i like the most. Dulu biasa makan wingko kalo naik kereta ke jogja. Sekarang macam macam rasanya gak kaya dulu. Ada rasa keju, coklat, durian tapi yang rasa orisinil yang paling enak menurutku mbak.
howdy there @thekitchenfairy! glad to hear you git to go away for awhile, you deserve it. hey those ain't no cakes! those are dollar pancakes, just need the Maple syrup. lol
have a good time!
Thanks @janton!!!
I had 3 kinds of chocolate chips today, no regrets 🤣 My husband did comment "bye bye poor keto" 🤣🤣🤣🤣
My cheat day 🤣
good for you! I love cheat days, ya gotta have them or
life gets boring lol!
These look super tasty, remind me a little of thick pancakes. Have a good weekend away - I hope you get chance to relax!
#thealliance #witness
Tons of shopping today....junk food I must add 🤣 But of course, I left stores with various baking molds and pans, seriously relaxing when I was at baking aisles 😉
Kayaknya enak ya apalagi kalau masih panas
Saya suka banget wingko babad, terakhir makan beberapa tahun yg lalu waktu mudik ke rmh alm. Mbah Puteri di Jombang ,
tapi di Bogor sepertinya ngga ada yg jual ..
Terima kasih resepnya mbak @thekitchenfairy
Salah satu oleh-oleh khas Semarang ini
Wingko babat i like the most. Dulu biasa makan wingko kalo naik kereta ke jogja. Sekarang macam macam rasanya gak kaya dulu. Ada rasa keju, coklat, durian tapi yang rasa orisinil yang paling enak menurutku mbak.
lengkap rasanya kue itu semua,tp alangkah lebih lengkap lagi kalau ada satu lagi kue khas daerah yaitu
martabak bangka/ PKB nya aceh
Kelihatannya sangat enak nih, mau coba juga saya !
and your post resteemed by @steemch
Yaammiiii pasti enak sekali ini. 😁😁
Wingko emang enak mas 👍
Looks great! I can imagine myself eating those with my homemade jams :)
Koszonom @erikah!
Oh, micsoda meglepetés! 😊