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RE: Chocolate Zucchini Cake with Chocolate Fudge Frosting - Recipe

in #food7 years ago

Looks beautiful @ikaputri3, as always! I'm a big believer in using veg in baking... not only for great flavours but texture and moistness too :-) I have one query (and please don't take as criticism) but do you ever use coconut or avocado oil or other healthy fats instead of the more popular and commercial vegetable oils? Perhaps you're not yet aware of the processing methods behind these different oils, but grapeseed, canola, corn, veg oil etc are all not good for our bodies. Butter would be a better option even than these. Here's a good article that explains better than I can! :-)


Dear @woman-onthe-wing,
Thanks for this great information. I didn't take it as a criticism, on the contrary, it's very useful and I really appreciate it. I don't really know about the real story of cooking oil. I do use coconut oil, I have one and I dont know why I rarely use it. Anyway, thank you so much for the enlightment and for dropping by! :-)

I just like knowing people are putting only the best things into their bodies! I'm very glad you found the info helpful and weren't offended :-) I have noticed as well on Steemit that a lot of people won't follow or vote on recipes if they feature 'bad' ingredients, but often we don't even realise we're using 'bad' ingredients until someone mentions it! Ah well, it's all a learning process and I still have so much to learn too!!!

I agree with you @woman-onthe-wing! I need to learn more about this :-) Actually, my mother-in-law is a doctor and also a nutritionist, she often talks about this things. I should have more conversation about this with her :-)

Oooh yes, pick her brain as much as you can!!! (but also do your own research as believe it or not even nutrition experts aren't always correct)

True! I sometimes disagree with her thoughts :-D