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RE: Up Next: The Collapse of the Food Supply Chain

in #food4 years ago

I somewhat agree with you. Yes, what humans do to animals is horrible and totally immoral.

But where did he insult vegans exactly? He is right in so far that the forced waiver of meat consumption is not because people had some kind of enlightenment but because there will be less / no more meat.
Nothong more, nothing less. Chill out a bit. You dont reach people by acting semi-hysterical.


What didn't you understand? It's not hysterical at all. If you have any criticism about what I said, please bring it forth.

Instead of admitting that veganism is a perfect solution to the problem, James used the opportunity to slight his vegan readers. His bias (as a meat eater) determines his stance here. His lack of intellectual honesty on this issue draws into question all his other work, which is unfortunate, as I've been recommending it to my audience for a decade now.

Yes veganism would be a perfect solution - if it was voluntary. You're trying to cure the symptoms, not the disease.
If you want people to live vegan, you have to convince them, not force them. Forcing people to do X is highly immoral and only works short-term.
And that's exactly why people despise vegans. Not because they made a choice to not eat meat anymore (which is great btw), but more because they're acting all pissed off from their high moral horse instead of trying to convince meat-eaters to come to the other side with a POSITIVE attitude - hence the joke from Corbett.

I understand your message and I agree with you. But if you want people to change, you need a better way of delivering it. Making people LOVE to be a vegan is better than making people HATE themselves for eating meat.

Don't be ridiculous. I'm not surprised you didn't post that under your normal account.

People aren't going to make a life-altering decision that changes literally everything about their thinking and behaviour based on anything I say or don't say. If they're that superficial and fickle, shame on them. If not enslaving, raping, and murdering other sentient beings isn't motivation enough, online comments aren't going to be, either.

People with that attitude are just looking for yet another excuse to continue to harm innocent conscious creatures for their own pleasure. "That vegan should have acted a different way, and then I'd be a moral person, but he went about it all wrong, so I'm going to carry on being a de facto murderer, rapist, and slave owner."

Also, I never said I was trying to convince anyone of anything. You're assuming that and couldn't be more wrong.

lol this is my normal account, I just started using it after I forgot about Steemit when the '18 bubble burst.

Yes, people make life-altering decisions when Government forces them to (talk about murdering and enslaving other sentient beings, huh), but that is short-sighted and usually ends up in the opposite direction. REAL change comes from within. And if you want to see real change, you need to change people's minds. Don't wait for some magical thing to happen, do it yourself. Be it a Youtube channel, a Blog, a Website, a Forum, handouts in your local shopping mall, whatever.

But your solution is to force people to be "moral" instead of trying to actually convince them with a positive attitude. I guess we have nothing more to discuss then.