I also had a lot of fun watching a football game today.

in #football6 years ago

My dear friends played football on a small field in our village today. It was great to see the game and both teams were trying to get a goal before any team. It was fun to watch the game. We jump and play and feel better when we play, and the game is even more fun It's nice because they want the team to score goals in advance or they can win. It's a lot of fun to fight and maybe I want to watch the game, but after playing the game in the nearby village, I saw their game because I couldn't play it. Will they take me They are playing with their team The game is a lot of fun and then one side gives a goal. The other side was happy to dance and could not give them the goal so the team that gave the first goal won the game more than it looks like playing because the losing team may win one team but in the meantime they lose theirs. Finding joy is not a big deal to win the game, but playing with the mind is a big deal so they have won one team in this game. But they have gone on to win after losing all join hands together, they accepted defeat in the last game was very fun to see a game like this, and do not talk much.


Football has always be fun to be playing of

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