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RE: Football Can Be Soooo Brutal

in #football7 years ago (edited)

Hi Modern Pastor,
I feel your pain.
I played sports including football for many years.
It’s tough physically and mentally to play sports due to the physical wear and tear, but the mental wear and tear from the emotional high of winning and the corresponding low of losing. But I learn as I am sure you do from both, perhaps more from my losses then my wins. It’s not how many times you fall down it’s how many times you get back up and try again. But it’s not just getting back up, it’s how you do it. As you have indicated, you get back up with style, grace and class supporting your team mates. This in sports as in life is the key to success. I like your post because you want to be a blessing and lift up your teammates by example and spirit. These attributes transcend sports and are invaluable in life.



Very well put. I think you grasped what @modernpastor was saying.

Your right. Sports is good training for life, as preparing the mind and body are important.