Independence Day for American Sheeple

Whenever you say Independence Day, you probably imagine drunken veterans, colorful explosions you require a permit for, and the red, white, and blue flag flying.

Nobody actually remembers what the holiday was for. Everyone puts on their colored flag apparall, watches fireworks, and believes that we are the greatest country to ever exist. Anyone who doesn't like or agree with it should leave and get their ass beaten by some drunken vet that doesn't understand why he served.

Americans have completely lost their roots. The revolution was comprised of cop killers, lawless traitors, and armed rebels telling the power at be to go fuck themselves.

The American people in commemoration, decide to wear their apparall and wave their flags that represent the very government that claims the right to control them.

Americans as a collective are ignorant and confused. We have never been further from "independence."


I agree! This country was founded with the rape of the land taken from the Native American and the enslavement of African peoples. We then hypocritically turn around and say that we are all free when that is such a crock of bull. Steem on!