
Sale robot 😂🤣😂🤣
Le lien donne une liste de mot comme “le” “la” “mon” “je”... j ai plagié la langue française
Nan mais sans rire si quelqu’un peut m’expliquer parce que comprend pas

Maybe cheetah needs a lifting or at least a better french verification system...
OF course this article uses loads of words contained in the linked internet site, it's called FRENCH

Fais attention @kelos, tu utilises des mots de la langue française! Tu lui avais demandé son autorisation? Argh moi aussi j'utilise ses mots!

This comment was downvoted because the @cheetah bot went completely crazy on this one.

This is a false positive. The website referenced by @cheetah contains the most widely used words in the French language... Those words are used here, but in well constructed sentences and not as a list of words (like in the website).