France's criticism of not allowing the immigrant ships to rage France 5P06.14-F

in #france6 years ago

France's criticism of not allowing the immigrant ships to rage France

France has criticized the country's immigrant rescuing ship not to rush into Italy. Italy summons French ambassador to protest Responding to a decision not to allow the rescuer to reside in the port, the French president said, "The behavior of Italy is insane and irresponsible." In response, Italy's Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said, "Our charity, voluntary, open-minded and united ideas from anyone" Do not have to learn. Apart from being the home minister of Salvinea, Italy's deputy prime minister is also at the same time. He is also the anti-immigrant 'Anti-Immigrant League' chief. Salvini recommends France apologize for criticizing Italy His commentary, Italy is not ready to hear criticism from the countries that regularly arrest immigrants at their own border. Reuters reported that Italian finance minister Geowani Troy canceled talks with the French Finance Minister in Paris after France's comment. The concerned vessel also had to leave for the Italian port and leave for Spain.

অভিবাসীদের জাহাজ ভিড়তে না দেওয়ায় ইতালির সমালোচনা ফ্রান্সের.jpg

In Italy's conservative government's decision, the Maritime Rescue Coordination Center ordered the rescued migrants to stay in the Mediterranean in an Italian vessel to anchor it. There were more than 600 people on the ship named Aquarius, who were rescued from Libya coast. The Italian Navy and Coast Guard also took part in the rescue operation. Rescuers were rescued in aquarium in different rescue operations. In response to this incident, the French PresideSilver'sized Italy. And Italy's diplomatic relations in Italy became heated.

France has softened the tunes on Wednesday after the resignation of the angry Italy. France Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Agnes Von Due Mul said, "We understand Italy's pressure due to immigrants." They also assured the assistance of the Italian government about immigrants. But Italy's anger did not subside. Despite the French spokesman, Italy's Foreign Minister Enzo Moivero said, "The French President's comment was unacceptable."

অভিবাসীদের জাহাজ ভিড়তে না দেওয়ায় ইতালির সমালোচনা ফ্রান্সের 2.jpg

Earlier, Malta called on Malta to accept those immigrants but Malta did not respond to the call. Home Minister Salvier's party promised the voters before the election, if elected, they would take a tough lead against the immigrants. On Saturday, he said that human trafficking must be stopped. And the businesses that work with non-approved immigrants should not even tell them. His commentary, 'Malta does not take anyone. France exits migrants from the border. And Spain shoots at the border. "He also said that he is thinking of taking action against those organizations who rescued immigrants from the sea. He thinks these organizations are collaborators of human traffickers.

Most of the people in the ship are residents of Sub-Saharan area. About 400 of them were rescued by Italian navy, coastguard and commercial ships. There are 123 children of the survivors who have no guardians. There are 11 young children and 7 pregnant women on the ship. Most of the children live in Eritrea, Ghana, Nigeria and Sudan.

Finally, with the immigrants, the aquarius flew to the port of Valencia, Spain, through the rough sea. The aquarius onward to reach Valencier on Wednesday will be scheduled next Saturday.