Frank Bacon #PhoneTimeHack of OPENSOURCE the New Mexico Hoax | DUMB-ASS Classified Scientist
The deep-underground military base near Dulce New Mexico, is now the location where our kidnapped children are presently being taken, hooked to drainage machines which tap their pituitary glands. The hormonal secretion is then mixed w/ chemicals to feed the ever expanding Grey population. This was the experimentation that resulted in animals dead w/ specific parts removed over the years. This has all been endorsed by our own governmental authority to date. These Grey/Renticuli beings, invited here in the early 1900 by the Reptilian race, who have been in control since their arrival in 12,500 b.c. after the destructive meteorite impacted the planet Earth. These Reptilians brought in the Moon above, which tilted the Earth ten degrees. Since that time these Reptilians have infiltrated all parts of our globe, from China to the Mayan civilization and have interbred human lines, being the Royalty of Europe specifically. They have also caused the popular “shape-shifting” to occur in certain individuals. These Reptilians are requiring humans to sacrifice their own people in order to appease this rogue group of invaders. This entire history however goes back to the Archons/Demons, who are now behind ALL events now happening today.
The Andromedan Council, along w/ the Galactic Federation of Planets has destroyed the main Reptilian under-water base, located in the Indian Ocean recently, and have also won the battle in space against this dark-force. They have communicated these facts listed, and have informed me of the now planned implosion of the Moon in September of 2015, along with the destruction of the main underground base near Dulce NM. mentioned previously at that time as well. 65% of all reported UFO sightings are projections, and they are now trying their best to incite riots which will allow our military intervention. Our only way out of this situation will be coming this year, and it will require a National movement in order to over-throw this power in office. Keep the faith that you have been given by this article and know that our very Creator has been watching the entire unfolding of this drama to date. There has recently been offered a seat upon the Galactic board of Planets, should we decide to accept, then the realization of Star Trek will begin. This is something that must be decided by our planets inhabitants, coming soon. I am of the opinion that we will in fact decide as a planet to accept this offer, and begin the next one-thousand years, but we will have to wait and see! ~David Kaas March 9, 2013 at 8:43 am
Deeply Understood Malcontent Burners – Actively Secure Socials. (D.U.M.B.- A.S.S.)
This is to be filed in the “Truth is Stranger Than Fiction” category of "The Story Behind the Story!”
Okie dokie, Frank.
MAGAgician, love it
They bE Cray cray!!!

I’ve always thought the grays were our home made androids that can go deep space unlike humans...they don’t suffer from harsh radiation breaking down dna
I've honestly not met one to ask., but I have known about this theory for quite some time. I'm more concerned with what I've heard the Greys getting away with here on earth... never mind deep space.
We are your friends, Mr. Bacon! We inspired a song about it several decades ago seems you Earthlings don't listen.....
I certainly thought it was funny lol