Net Neutrality Repeal Survivor's Log Day 7

in #freedom6 years ago

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It's time to reveal there hidden agenda! Everyone needs to know the truth! Great video :)

Net neutrality

is the principle that governments should mandate Internet service providers to treat all data on the Internet the same, and not discriminate or charge differently by user, content, website, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or method of communication.[4] For instance, under these principles, internet service providers are unable to intentionally block, slow down or charge money for specific websites and online content.
The term was coined by Columbia University media law professor Tim Wu in 2003, as an extension of the longstanding concept of a common carrier, which was used to describe the role of telephone systems

Good leaders are leaders who will not
forget the services of heroes.
You may be a brave and faithful future leader.
congratulations to you @adamkokesh
you can do it.


Net neutrality is simply a rule preventing anyone from regulating the internet, so please explain how a simple rule that prevents any kind of regulation turns into regulation? You can't because you're buying the lies about regulation and free markets that the likes of Ajit Pai are feeding you. The free market won't save you when it comes to ISPs because they're monopolies in most places and there is no market for them to have to compete against. Which is why it makes sense to treat the internet like utilities and have a basic rule that says NO ONE CAN REGULATE THE INTERNET AT ALL.

@adamkokesh Sir,
We are currently under Net Neutrality, and yet we still have choices as far as ISP packages from the fastest DSL all the way down to dial-up. Additionally if we have our own web page each web host has different packages at different prices available. Nobody is 'subsidizing' anyone else who streams a lot. If your internet needs are small, get a budget dial-up package. If you web page has very little traffic, get a cheap shared server deal. We have all sorts of choices and NN is not getting in the way, but is instead making our choices possible on the internet. Without NN, ISP's could use their control and power over the internet 'rail line switching stations' to act as legalized extortion racketeers by demanding payment from a website before allowing data traffic to come and go from a site. Like many regulations, NN is benevolent regulation that protects innocent people from harm. NN protects the public from corporate plutocrats for whom no amount of profit is ever enough -- they always want more. NN proactively protects people from ever becoming victims of a giant internet extortion racket.

wow you're retarded af. Your providers can now legally use ai to find out at what point people give up seeking information, as in what is the minimum amount of throttling a required for a huge chuck of the population to give up trying watch let's say your videos and dictate their narrative in this way. They don't have to disclose shit now.
Can't believe you instead took time to call out the normies debating about if they have to pay an extra fee or something lmao.

Thanks for sharing this double.
I served your contribution and in the way that plasma the conntino thank you .

Net neutrality was started in the GWBush administration's FCC around 2005. It went through many court cases and iterations until it was codified in 2015. It did exist. Also, there wasn't the media/content consolidation, nor the market penetration of streaming when netflix streaming started. broadband usage has increased since netflix started streaming, but many people still only have access to one high speed broadband provider in their area. that provider is often owned by one of the major content creating companies (time warner, comcast, etc) and with those local monopolies, they would have an incentive to restrict access to competing content providers to generate more income for their stakeholders.
Thanks for your post @adamkokesh
Waiting for your next post.

very original I love your post, I served your contribution and in the way that plasma the conntino thank you and success in your projects