The Internet Effect

in #freedom7 years ago

The most important modern technology that will help us bring about a voluntary society is already flourishing: the internet. Many people described it as revolutionary when the internet forever changed the way we communicate, shop, navigate, and research – and it was – but that was just the beginning! The internet is still in its infancy and rapidly evolving. Society is just starting to feel its effects. Governments understand the threat of the internet and have made various attempts to control it. Some large governments have already gone to great lengths to curb its impact, but this is a losing battle. However, we must remain vigilant to any attempts to stifle the free flow of information to ensure this most powerful tool can be fully utilized as a force for positive change.


Simply as a tool to increase productivity, the internet is an unstoppable force. Those of us with unfettered access take for granted how having such a wealth of information readily available makes life easier and more efficient in so many ways. Thanks to smart phones connected to the internet, even our conversations have become more effective as we don’t have to “debate facts” any more. Comparison shopping has reduced profit margins and made the market far more competitive. When someone figures out the solution to a problem, it can be shared around the world nearly instantaneously.

The global connectedness created by the internet is already making it more difficult to exploit us. Wars are always based on lies, and while governments still can and do lie, this is much more difficult. In government indoctrination centers known as public schools, kids with smart phones can directly challenge their instructors. Most children with internet access already know they can learn far more from turning to the internet instead of government.

The internet is causing the collapse of nationalism. Governments took advantage of the tendency for local pride and convinced their people that their country was the best at everything and governments were the reason. Governments never let the facts get in the way of a good story, but the internet has a way of inserting undeniable facts into the conversation that temper national pride. The fact that everyone with a smart phone can record and fact check the lies of politicians, then share their findings with the world, has already made governing much more difficult. It used to be very easy to lie and get away with it, but not in the age of the internet!

Governments have relied on their control of the media to control the conversation. This includes everything from keeping facts away from us to distorting irrepressible stories. In the age of the internet, control of the conversation has been decentralized. Anyone with a story to tell or facts to share can get online and challenge the official narrative. In order to maximize the benefit of the internet, it is important to support independent media. Centralized control of the conversation is also being rapidly eroded by the phenomenon of sharing through social networks. No longer does a central authority decide what information is important. This is not just a new sharing of values and perspectives, but a new filter for relevance.

Many large governments have sought to control the internet because they know that shutting it down entirely, now that we are aware of its benefits, is impossible. They will always exercise as much control as they can, and it is quite efficient because they can control the internet through central hubs. Soon, these types of controls will no longer work because the internet will be decentralized, but governments can poison the conversation in many other ways. One of the internet’s greatest assets is its ability to capture a broad reaction in public comment sections. Governments hire people to sit behind computers all day with multiple false identities to get us to think, for example, that everyone loves something that government just did. While governments have no problem stealing the money necessary to hire armies of spammers, some have invested in “sock-puppet” software so one person can swarm a conversation with multiple fake profiles. To use this in any capacity is a fraud, but because governments are based on the fraud that we need them in the first place, it makes perfect sense that they would have an interest in this technology. As the internet continues to evolve, the sock-puppets might be filtered out, but not without a degree of vigilance from those who value the integrity of the conversation.

Sometimes for worse, but overall much more often for better, the anonymity of the internet allows us to say things we might be afraid to say “in real life.” The therapeutic effect of this cannot be underestimated as millions have already benefited from support communities that were impossible before the internet. We can challenge the status quo in ways never imagined and speak out without fear of retribution. This should inspire us to be more conscious consumers of information. Governments depend on lies and deception to maintain their rackets, but now, we have the “truth button” at our fingertips!

Chapter 10 Section II From FREEDOM! by Adam Kokesh


I am the author of FREEDOM!, a book endorsed (I mean banned) by the US Department of “Justice.” You can get a copy here. I’m running for Not-President in 2020 on the platform of the peaceful, orderly, and responsible dissolution of the United States federal government. You can find out more here. You can find an event near you here. Whoever has the top comment on this post after 24 hours can claim a free signed copy of FREEDOM! by sending me an email at [email protected] with their address.


Adam you absolute legend you thank you my man.

delib. See what I wrote to prince, just below this. May I solicit your help in the same manner? Thanks.

Alright. Since you have that pile of books, I will assume you have read one. How about sending me an appraisal (hopefully one which will entice 3 of your friends to do the same) [email protected]. Anytime. Anyone. I look forward to seeing it. Where are you residing? I need to break this down to a state-by-state effort.

Hey... while you are at it, and if you are bored, how about coming up with some sort of template for an intro letter others can use when approaching folks in their social circles?

I am never bored, life is way tooooo short, I am free and now living in Poland, and I have no friends.

You're more than welcome! Spread the love!

I am my friend, I have sent 1 copy to England, 1 to the Netherlands, 10 are going in my local bar that does English book lending so they should get read by 100's if not thousands of people, 1 is going to my local library, the rest I will give away locally, except of course for the signed copy, and the stickers are going on my motorbikes and cars. Once again thank you top man. Edit, if anyone in Poland wants one sending for free, message me.

The point you mentioned about what governments do and how they change your perspective about the other nations is totally ture.
In my region Asia, Pakistan and India they both are concederd rivals and they had war like four times. Since My childhood I was told that Indians are our enemy and last summer when I met some indians I was like no that is wrong and now I have some good Indian friends.

Yes! Humanity coming together one experience like that at a time. Beautiful to witness. Thanks for sharing and affirming my faith in humanity.

My pleasure.
I wish if we could see in our lives everyone living together. I wish we don't have any countries. One day I was discussing with my friend that we countries as an individual spend a hell of a lot of money on our defence budget every year. Now imagine if we were investing those on our people and living all together in one country. World would have been a better place, for sure.

Thanks @adamkokesh! This is a good chapter from a great book.

  • When I first saw the Internet back in '95,
    I realized it would do 2 things...
  • Connect people to people
    • and
  • Connect people to information

I knew it was going to be HUGE!

  • But, I was wrong. It's huger than huge!
    • People from all over the world can communicate.
      and realize people from all over the world are just like all the other people all over the world.
      • For the most part, people can get along...
    • Governments don't want us to get along.
      • They want us to fear one another.
  • The more people use the Internet, the more they will realize we don't need more government.
    We need less government.
    • The less government we have
      • The more freedom & liberty we have.

Thanks for being a spearhead in our battle for liberty & freedom!

This comment is like a beautiful little internet poem.

in some country like China they have firewall to control any potential espionage from other country like the US, that's why they banned Google, facebook and other US Internet tech company.

I recieved this book at your speech you did with Roger Stone for the Bundy's in Las Vegas. That was a great battle to fight, and to win.

This new information war is going to be a crazy one. I feel as though Russia was blamed for playing a better information war game than the Democrats (who were in charge via Obama) did last election.

Theres an old news clip where the today show is asking ' what is the internet'.. Today most people understanding of blockchains and cryptocurrency are just as rudimentary as these news casters understanding of what the internet is and would do. What is the internet video can be found here.

Thanks for being there! That was an epic event.

It was a good one. Did you hear that Ryan is running for governor of Nevada? I was going to post about it on here, but I've been slacking

"don't taze me bro'!" changed America... because of You Tube in its early stages on this UNLICENSED, UNCENSORED internet. Love this Steemit and DTube now.

and hey... did you know the "Star" of DTMB is working closely with Luke R. and We Are Change? Pretty cool, I'd say.

Your post is very educative. The internet has brought so many bad effect that it ruins relationships. When a lady will come up and tell a guy the relationship is over with just a little upset. It has also brought fraud too whereby people decieve one another so easily and made away with their money.
But to me it has also helped alot to earn better than their normal pay in their daily jobs due to the fact that it creates more job opportunities.

It's clear to me the positives outweigh the negatives. What do you think?

Looking at the pros and cons of internet, we can conclude that It could be used in a good as well as bad way.

Government sometimes use it to make people change their perception. on the other hand, Internet is hub of knowledge and learning as well.

So to some up the debate I definately agree to the point that we must should have to take serious check that our easy access and that global village we are living in remains the same and intact ...

yaah Sometimes for worse, but overall much more often for better, the anonymity of the internet allows us to say things we might be afraid to say “in real life. internet make things easy for us! can you give me your book which is banned in us i am inspire from you !keep spread freedom !

The Internet has created an entire business function commonly referred to as e-business or e-commerce. E-business represents the use of Internet and business technology in a company’s operations. Most companies in the business environment have implemented some form of Internet or business technology into their business operations. While some companies faced the major changeover when developing an e-business function, other companies may have been on the edge of this technology before the widespread use of the Internet.