Questions for Kokesh - Can you really end the fed with an Executive Order?

in #freedom7 years ago

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Well, aside from misrepresenting the question (I still have two more, about which we will soon formally debate!) and once again asserting that we questioners are “trolls,” I guess you kinda sorta addressed...something?

Nobody was saying “You can’t do that because the constitution is valid/authoritative!” (I see what you did there in twisting that, though, clever). What both myself, Rose, and others are repeatedly pointing out is that your plan to use the system to end the system is illogical unless your side is the system.

I can’t wait to debate. I’ll email the proposed resolution tonight, but have already made a post about it if you’d like to check it out.

Glad to see you’ve stopped wasting the delegated Steem you have and draining the rewards pool with one hundred dollar comment self-upvotes.

Also glad to see you conveniently didn’t mention calling people “cowards,” “trolls,” and “annoying and ignorant” when talking about how things also get heated here on Steemit.

Looking forward to the debate. Nice title, by the way ;)

Yesssssssss..... Yes, so many times to all of this! 🙏 Keep up the fight ✌️💚🤘

The flag is for the constant anarchy tag-strangling, delegated SP 80 - 100 dollar self-upvotes. Nothing personal, just not good for the platform in this one market actor’s opinion.

@kafkanarchy84 - did this debate ever take place?

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different result"- As grandpa Einstein said. We cannot use the same method like fiat currency and central banking, since it has a bad consequences from the past, look what happen in 2007 economic crises and staggering $20 trillion debt who would pay for it? us the ordinary people.

I agree with you @adamkokesh, since we have checks and balances those puppet in legislative and judiciary would be hard to deal with, we need absolute peoples power to end the fed.

It's about localization.


Put aside our ideology for a second and say, "These are our principles, but this is how we apply them to come up with practical policy that immediately improves everyone's lives." Let's get rid of the Federal Government, the State Government...

Yes please.

No amount of voting will ever legitimize the state.

Well said.

Thanks Adam. I really enjoyed this video after all the drama I got roped into lately. Your arguments seem pretty clear and straightforward to me and you seem open to correction and improvements, which to me is key. Ideology isn't going to improve the world. It takes applied moral principles.

I agree, amazing discussion with Cynthia McKinney at Anarchapulco btw!! Hopefully we will be free someday.

It takes applied moral principles.

Yes....... from me, now and always, someone else can't do that for me.

Applying moral principles doesn't involve utilizing immoral, unprincipled systems.

sorry sorry it was by mistake, my apologies

Fuck bro hard to believe ur still alive with the shit your doing!

Major respect!


@adamkokesh I belive we can end the FED with an executive order, their days are number, we are tired of all the opperession by the FED. Also, you should really look out for people who say they love freedom but spend a lot of effort shitting on other people's activism.

Since the creation of the federal reserve... the USD has been in a constant inflation. USD has lost over 98% of its value. From $20 an ounce when gold was redeemable with fiat to now...$1300 plus an ounce. You can’t trade your fiats for gold in banks. People who hold gold are call “hoarders .”
President can make an executive order... but any who try will kiss his/her life goodbye. Just ask JFK... Bernie Sanders was anti fed... you think he has any chance to be elected?
No chance one person can get rid of the federal reserve. It will take a revolution.


It takes great men to start freedom takes talk and from seeing you, you are a perfect march of such great men.

And for me, you have all my support honestly speaking. Go you are the man

great Video ever, thanks for sharing

As I see it ENDing the FED reserve system is the single biggest leg of the globalist control system. Starve the system of its funding and it will inevitably loose its power. I also believe that removing the protection of the country from their control by ENDing the military industrial complex is another key leg. With that said I don't know how to go about that outside of ending the FED system. I would like to hear what others think? What also comes to mind is how the Military Industrial Complex may try to utilize the crypto system to gain funding? If they are not already trying.

upvoted resteemed and commented

Adam Kokesh for President 2020

The military is funded through fiat central banking. Decentralize yourself and encourage others to do so and it will collapse.

I don't think there is a scenario where they end it voluntarily, quite the opposite, I think they will try to drag everyone into the abyss to keep it going for as long as possible. A large piece of their jigsaw that's about to be removed is the Petro-dollar.

There is a very similar story to the one being played out today, 100 years ago there was an Empire overstretched due to wars and in economic decline, still holding onto world reserve status but eventually ditching the gold standard and becoming a debtor nation to keep going. Then there was a rising economic power who overtakes the largest world economy, becomes the largest creditor nation and largest holder of gold. Those in control simply transferred 'status' to friendly soil.

The big difference today is those same people in charge are being challenged by a new cabal. Pressure is really starting to ramp up on the USD and it's status. It is being starved by all nations of the world who have borne the brunt from the FEDs instruments of economic suppression or militaristic aggression. There is now an alternative that can't be sanctioned or bombed away.

So I think going forward, as nations leave the USD for the Yuan, the FED will ultimately collapse on itself in stages, I don't see this happening immediately, I think it will be a long drawn out process where we have a bi-polar monetary system as the two battle each other, the old and sick vs the young and healthy. How this will effect everyday people living in the West depends on a multitude of different scenarios playing out where cryptocurrency will play a pivotal role.

great thing man be strong, you can do whetevr you want, all support.