TRUE Liberation: Inner Freeom

in #freedom7 years ago

Be gentle with yourself.
Love and adore yourself.
Celebrate how far you've come in life at this point.
All that you have overcome; any pain or struggle, or fearsome thoughts, habits, addictions...
May today be a GOOD day for you, because it sure as hell a fantastic one for me.


I've overcome addiction to alcohol, addiction to people, addiction to self harm through drugs, eating disorders, depression, lots of suicidal thoughts, attempted suicides, and loads of hateful thoughts towards self.

I was unbelievably miserable in life. I can sure as hell tell ya, ten years ago, i did not think that my life would or COULD be this fucking great!
All thanks to taking 1000% responsibility of my thoughts, feelings, and actions.

It has been that simple (in theory lol)

TRUE freedom comes from WITHIN. Never on the outside of you; you will never find it in a person, or material objects, or any drugged state of mind.
Freedom cannot be fought for, it is not something to grasp.
It comes from a place of inner being.
From an inner knowing.

You have and have always had and WILL always have, the power and courage and strength within you. Believe in yourself, trust yourself, you are the only you that you will ever have, and you are stuck with yourself till the day you transition from earth...
Might as well make it worth your while, and feel super fucking good!

So much love to all that the readers out there in Steemit Land <3
Thank you for this space and platform to reach further out into the world.


"Freedom is not given to us by anyone; we have to cultivate it ourselves. It is a daily practice."
-Thich Nhat Hanh