What is Liberland?? Overview for New Steemit / Liberty Folks!! + RON PAUL OFFICIAL Speech Recently at Anarchapulco.

in #freedom7 years ago

What is #Liberland?

The Freedom Based Micro-Nation!

Some of the resources I have blogged on / made:

A couple I have made up off my Facebook feed:





President Vít Jedlička is a friend of mine on Fascistbook and I saw this today on his page, and knew I needed to blog this out. He will have no issue with this as anyone spreading the word on Liberland is welcomed by him.

Frankly, I have blogged on Liberland lots and wanted to document this too, it is a great piece of history.

That's Vit on the far right, with Ron Paul next to him and a couple people closely associated with Liberty and Vit.

Today's Inside Info! :


Bonus Info:

Ron Paul Receives Liberland Official Passport &

Liberland Overview for New Steemit / Liberty Folks!


Freedom and Liberty lovers gather yearly in Mexico for the biggest conference of its kind anywhere.

My goal is to search out some of the inside content, for / from people I do not see on Steemit and get it out there to spread the message of love and liberty and awareness.

I hope everyone enjoys this series, I am hoping to find a couple gems a day and get them up so people will have it on their radar.

I really just want to spread awareness of freedom and liberty, since for many years I have been targeted by the police state and related agencies for simply calling out government corruption, very publicly and very loudly.

Turns out they don't like that and really do use extorted tax dollars and intimidation, lies and everything else to silence those people.

People like US.


Resharing this, as this is bigger, precedent setting news than many are realizing I think. Honestly, I have said it a few times today!!! Many hours ago, people offline / other timezones missed this, I am hoping more people see it the 2nd time around here!

Your Friend in Liberty --- Barry


My path to Liberty and Crypto is with you guys.

We are all early adopters here, if you are even close to reading this today.

Be encouraged.

Some of my Recent Blogs:







never heard of it before.. but I guess that's the whole point... Sounds like a great place to go tho... live and let live.. excellent motto

I have blogged on this so much and this was hard for me to hear from you dude LOL.


The idea here is the best part but yes, the land itself, is a lot of marshy lands but the one building they have has been there a long time and ok, as far as I know!

-- just mentioned that to the other fellow here.

I've been off on adventure with shitty internet so I haven't been watching my feed like I'm supposed to

I'm interested in the concept of Liberland, but I don't want to move to a flood zone in the middle of Eastern Europe. If they purchase land or make some other deal in Latin America, I'll be all over that though!

The idea here is the best part but yes, the land itself, is a lot of marshy lands but the one building they have has been there a long time and ok, as far as I know!

It's the wrong climate for my family anyway. We want to go somewhere warm year round. :)

Does anyone actually reside there full time, just yet?