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RE: Obama is NOT my president!

in #freedom7 years ago

I don't think it really matters who the president is anymore. We will never know the truth about who is running the things behind the seems. Our only power is social media and decentralization.


What about the power of acting locally, the power of Voluntarism?

How can we bring that idea through the web of digital socializing so that people actually walk the walk?

I actually just posted a project proposal that speaks to your question @senorcoconut

it's a blockchain app that allows neighborhoods to allocate municipal bonds in the form of crypto to each resident in the community, who then create and vote on proposals for neighborhood improvement projects (the winning proposal would then use the crypto to execute the project, sort of like GoFundMe). I would love your input and feedback since I have no idea what I am doing but I believe blockchain will be the future of community building.

This sounds nice.... I will look at it soon, promise, I'm trying to get off the internet to go to sleep!

These funds allocated to each resident, are the residents then obligated to vote or do they have a choice as to what to do with it?

Haha, I am also trying to get to sleep.

That's a great question, haven't considered it yet. On first thought I would assume that the neighborhood crypto-coin should be available for voting purposes only. I wonder if there would be any reason to exchange it for other coins or to use it some other way?

Yea I can see somethong like that happening... basically putting our votes on the blockchain for the decentralization factor or the inabilitu to fudge the numbers... I'll get to reading your proposal today for sure.

I don't think it really matters who the president is anymore.

I'm the eternal president of the white world.