Drug War Stories: Raison D'Etre of RTT: Realizing Tommorrow TODAY!!!!!!

in #freedom7 years ago

I'm mad as hell, I will continue to take it but like Rod Parsley's ramblings I will be SILENT NO MORE on the wicked empire of Babylon and how the satanist statists that want to violate free will and utilize the coercive apparatuses of the state to telellogically mold free and autonomous people into more desireable citizerns.

Perhaps if no more harmful drugs and no more corpses and child abuse due to drug intervention, then the facts of how people will analyze this major public intervention when they are no longer controlled by corrupt military industrial complex Operation Mockingbird style media--if that ever happens of course?

Some may wonder what prompted the creation of the on going series? We hope the series ends very soon but it currently appears the leviathan and that Cage everyone for bullshit industrial complex have no plans for not screwing over the plebeians. Looking like the series may very well extend beyond when the organism writing this long expires--unless we start living forever of course, or good starts to finally triumph.

The borg collectivists want to make us all gray and love authority and salivate when they bells ring and shop and spend until the debt just locks you in. But essentially confident one might be in that as many look back on the slave masters and nazis of yesterday as storm trooper sell outs it is anticipated soon the failed War on Drugs and its enablers and continuers will be looked upon similarly. You'd think they learnt the lessons of the Volstead act, but maybe they did and to some extent it was all about control.

Please report if you hear about how the drug war has hurt people you know? People who cant go into the college debt crisis due to weed conviction, or felons, or people who died due to stress. How would you rate the war on drugs efficiency and/or effectiveness on a 7 point Likert Scale of 1-2 negative, 3 neutral 4-5 positive, post below you response to participate and fit in like a goddamned sheep.

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Interesting post on the topic. I think the effectiveness of the war on drugs worldwide is on a scale of 1-2 😔. Unfortunately if there are high demands there will be high supplies. We can not stop the supply however we need to support the ones that are affected by this evil. They should be supported, not be alienated and outcasted from the community due to their addictions.

totally agree dont alienate, escaping a depressing situation is probably a reason many use.

I would rate it a 1 - negative. War on drugs has hindered more than helped in my opinion.

I concur!!

In our country Philippines, Our President Rodrigo Duterte has launched a war on drugs that has resulted in the extrajudicial deaths of thousands of alleged drug dealers and users across the country. The Philippine president sees drug dealing and addiction as “major obstacles to the Philippines’ economic and social progress,” according to John Gershman, an expert on Philippine politics. The drug war is a cornerstone of Duterte’s domestic policy and represents the extension of policies he’d implemented earlier in his political career as the mayor of the city of Davao. In December 2016, the United States withheld poverty aid to the Philippines after declaring concern over Duterte’s war on drugs.

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yea sounds tyrannical what is going on there

What's going on there is horrible, and I'm sorry. Trump congratulated Duterte on the "great job" he's doing curbing drug use in Philippines, which was definitely unsettling.

I rate the drug war a "1." My husband was incarcerated for nearly a decade for a victim-less "crime" that actually led many people to deep enlightenment and improved quality of life. Today, nearly 20 years later, people constantly contact him and thank him for the risks he took and the positive impact on their lives. He was a prisoner of this war. He has not had an easy road as a result. He cannot live many places, he can not get many jobs, even ones he is very qualified for. He needs to be very careful with his life now, and so do I as a result.

Hopefully, some of the research that I hope to fund via Steemit will contribute to this ideological battle we are fighting. If you are curious, find my "introduction" post. I posted it two days ago, because I just joined Steemit. Will be easy for you to find on my blog if you are interested.


will check it out soon. I am sorry that society has robbed you and your husband of so much. Hopefully someday we can get justice and at least an apology to him.

You collected lot of information on drug war .... appreciating your effort..
it is mre intersting and motivating to know more about on that ... please provide more on it with picture :)

It is very sad society still plans to hurt these people for conduct in which no one happened to be raped or murdered or stolen from or beat up due to the conduct. I dont understand how using drug different than drinking coffee or beer or cigarette. People should be free, fuck arbitrary evil government interventions?

I would rate the effectiveness of the drug war on the scale a 4.5

I hope you mean in the negative in that it fails to keep drugs out the hands of people and fails to save lives?

Nice post, Hey, I just upvoted your post then you can upvote my comment and both of us feel happy and life is good.

I dont understand

If you take too much drug, you'll look like that monkey on the first photo. Cute but hairy =D

perhaps, but people should be allowed to look however they want

Who would be the victim in taht scenario?

Drug war depends on how you look at it and how willing the community is to stop it.

yea putting people in cages for conduct that doesnt result in a dead body or a victim in another way--maybe its all just perspective in a way?

Drugs are pissing me off. The world is full of it. There is no empty place on earth not to be drugs. They are destroying our ass in a way we see and do not pay a damn penny on it. The world is going nuts.

Well people will do what they want to do? The government has proven it impotent to control people perhaps we should regualte these dangerous substances instead of put our heads in sand like ostritch.

Haha. Mabye it would be a solution.

The military industrial complex has pissed away loads of treasure trying everything else. Prohibition failed for alcohol and seems to have given every indicator of failure since it started. People should make their own chocies government and other people have no right telling people how to live or what they can and cannot do so long as what they are doing doesn't hurt anyone else.

Hmm, gardbage Gouvernment