Thank you for speaking out. There are people who want to nit-pick Adam's lack of perfection as a human rather than support him right now, and it is pretty lame. The last "perfect human" who tried to help humanity got crucified so even if he WAS perfect there will be those who refuse to support him...
people who want to nit-pick Adam - the sad part is that imperfections should be irrelevant to defending human rights. I am not talking Adam but in general. In fact anyone who defends freedom should defend it for people they disagree with or consider imperfect first of all, because those are the cases where you can have the natural tendency to overlook.
The cognitive dissonance some days... One guy was trotting out the re-canted claim of an ex-girlfriend about an abusive relationship. As if a bitter ex-girlfriend is reason to let a man rot in jail with none of his rights being protected. How many of these demanding Adam be without moral blemish voted for a Clinton...? or a Bush...? OR ANYONE?! Jesus has never been on the ballot, ever. Unless they NEVER voted at all, they voted for a mere mortal, a sinner... EVERY TIME they voted!
well, the metoo tune so so popular right now...except it is so selective. it also should make you think, why people with such attitude would follow adam in the first place. people would rather follow and comment on folks they like rather than on those they oppose..unless of course they're paid trolls!

LOL! Very jiggy!
except Obama. He was perfect. Also Trudeau. Canada is so lucky.
yes, canada is so blessed :( now the ontario pc party got busted with metoo and i've heard halifax as well. not the the ontario pc was worth anything anymore with their ranks infiltrated by liberals. one has to wonder, was patrick brown a good guy who tried to look into voting irregularities or a willing contributor turn stepping stone who outlived his usefulness. of course if anyone worthy comes up to replace him, nothing will stop whoever is running the show to make allegations against the replacement as well. my guess is that in 5 months ontario will be given an ndp government. at this point i'm not sure which one is worse

You can't help but wonder about what is in the hearts of some people... and then they want to be your leader. My sympathies, I used to think Canada was better but it seems we are all in the same boat.
I forgot about them!