What Is This Whole Game Really About? Deep State Story AKA It's Time To Take Time.....to wake the f*ck up!

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

Your government is your enemy not your friend. Yes your heard that right. As obvious as it sounds for most of us libertarian cryptonauts, even here some people might be doubtful to this obvious thing. I'd like to bring it to the next level today though: your government decides next to nothing. Deep state is the worst enemy of whole humankind and it pulls the strings of every world government with any real power.

breaking the matrix logo.jpg
Before the Buddha in Matrix came, a lady was breaking my matrix! yes, I did paint this.

..read this motherfucking blog before you leave a bot comment. I am not your "dear", I don't have a "nice pics" and I sacrificed 3 hours of my painting time to write this. Capisci?? Grazie mille!


I am not here today to educate in great length those who have not heard the term "Deep state" about what it is. It takes more than reading one blog to even get started (and definitely more than leaving a stupid "awesome post dear thank you for sharing" comment...)

If you like living inside a totally manipulated gangshow and not giving a fuck about your lack of freedoms, which are your birthright and are getting scarcer with every passing year , because you basically don't see your predicament, then don't worry, keep on being a zombie.

...although there are lots of great people out there, in whose ranks I like to include myself, who dedicate their lives and creative juices to wake you the fuck up.


Because you, my beloved half-asleep angel, count. Every single one of you. Because the whole illusion of separation is just that- AN ILLUSION! Gaia , our planet Earth, is one living organism. And the sheep are part of it, so let's not point them out, let's help them!

Out of the people who I discovered here (and I am sure there is TONS more, so please leave their profile names in the comment because I do want to follow them!) who are wide awake and post about deep state are these warriors of lights:

White Walking Feather is really an exquisite blogger and an expert on freedom & peace activism

Enlightened sister posting all sorts of great articles, including deep state stuff

Out beloved @canadian-coconut sheds light on the most horrendous crimes of your government called "child protection"

@doitvoluntarily writes sometimes cool stuff too. He is a whale tho, so don't trust him/her. P.S.: that was a joke

As far as weed industry (that means Marijuana in case you just landed from Mars) goes, the bad ass brother @vinmaru kicks ass in his enlightening articles. Make sure to follow them all:


I don't trust Trump fully until he gets killed btw. That's usually what makes a politician trustworthy:)

Deep state was first referred to as Deep state in 1996 in Turkey, referring to national government and Canadian diplomat Peter Dale Scott describes it as a subterranean underworld, where Wall Street, the US intelligence community, the defense and oil industries, and sometimes the criminal element—drug dealers, gangsters or the occasional terrorist—meet.

I describe it as way more FUCKED UP SHIT than the above (although it includes the above), including packs with extra-terrestrial races who have been involved in frequency fear control and the general human slavery since our conception. I know I might sound like crazy lunatic to some of you, but since I don't give a flying fuck about what you think of me, it's gonna be hard for anyone to accelerate my heartbeat on calling me out.


Deep state for me is a mostly underground operating world, and literally it is a whole world down there, whole cities and some say continents (Antarctica hello!) which really dictate what's the theater on the surface of the earth gonna look like. In the most significant and impact-full imaginable way. Such as - "Let's hold back free energy generators and continue the oil dependency and the central banking bullshit" or "let's create mind control devices and continue bombarding Earth with fear frequencies on fake mass media and perpetual state of war" or "religious bullshit sectarianism" kinda shit. Heavy shit indeed. The kinda shit you consider NORMAL cause you grew up in it and nobody/nothing woke you up yet.

And so you happily continue to comply, go vote, vaccinate your kids, let their inborn genius being killed by organized crime called "Educational system", use fake money that robs you every year via hidden theft of tax and inflation and call yourself a good citizen. Well, for me you're a retard who is fucking up my lovely planet by perpetuating enslavement system by your choices and you need to wake up with a slap and stop being good. You need to become BAD ASS MOTHERFUCKER and undergo a silent internal spiritual revolution. Marching in the streets does not help anymore, it's overrated, and will be manipulated by smarter assholes than you. Do your own shit, meet your creator within, break the matrix in the only possible permanent way- from your very soul!

...I'd suggest you take the red pill today, skip some TV time and do your fucking homework!


I'd take the red pill any given day, even if I was promised all the riches of the world for the blue one...

Deep state pleads allegiance to no flag (forget about USA, it's just a giant guinea pig experiment since day 1), it does not even pleads allegiance to humanity (so please forget your patriotic bullshit melodrama cause it's part of their game and you are dancing to their music Mr.Soldier/Patriot/ dumb ass dummy) these traitors don't give a fuck about who "seemingly wins" on the surface, as far as they keep on controlling the overall game by controlling the financial and frequency control system, which they certainly still do at this point.

There are real people underground who have multiple times higher clearance than the president of United States of America, if you care to use the system on the surface, which really is, I repeat, quite insignificant and borderline funny. And no journal or news ever mentioned name of such individuals. Yet, they operate secret space programs beyond your wildest imagination and decide what kind of technology is going to be allowed or not (cure for cancer? forget it Joe, it's not profitable! Invention of HIV in a laboratory? Fuck yes let's fund that!)...sad shit


...First real blow in their monopoly of power control was internet. Second is happening now, and it is BLOCKCHAIN.


But most of these so called libertarians who disclose deep state and cheer for crypto and full disclosure, don't always see a bigger picture: that this whole thing is about our origin, about energy, and about soul matrix. Yes, this whole game is a 3D construct that we are about to break through for the first time in our human history which is not not that long actually since NO, WE DID NOT COME OUT OF MONKEYS!!! I encourage you to investigate the amazing work of the scientist Lloyd Pie, who was killed after his presentations proving our origins became too popular. You can start here:

Break through to what? To higher density of light of course?

The ascension (or lack of it) to the 4th desity of light of the entire planet is WHAT THIS WHOLE GAME IS ABOUT!

There is always a bigger picture behind all conspiracy theory (term commissioned by US government to CIA after Americans didn't buy the official death of Kennedy story by the fucking way, so before you use it- educate yourself!). There is always a bigger picture behind everything. Even our ascension to 4th Density of light as a whole species (not only separate entities or tribes) will have a massive impact in whole Universe where entire civilizations depend on our ascension so they can ascend in their turn.
In a very same way...



We waited for this for eons. And many of our creators cheer for us, while other malefic races keep us down. We are ready, and we will ascend. What really is this ascension talk about?
Well look at it like this: for a snail, who lives in 2D, love or hierarchy is totally unknown concept. The frequency in which it receives the "slides of reality AKA light" are like 100 times slower than human's. If you walk close to a snail, it does not even see you coming, you just "suddenly appear" out of nowhere, at which moment it retracts it's eyes into its head and then puuuff, you're gone to same nowhere you came from...
similarly, for a human, ascending to 4th density of light means

end of all bullshit my friends, namely the end of ILLUSION OF SEPARATION FROM THE REST OF COSMOS

I can't even say how much I recommend all of you to listen to this Bentinho Massaro's speech. It's lot of fun and it WILL BLOW YOUR MIND in the most exquisite and funny way, I promise!:

Going from 3D to 4D will be like going from snail mentality to Human mentality. It is hard to imagine for our current limited mind pattern. But think in terms of synarchy, love and Understanding. We will physically, mentally and emotionally experience the connectidness to the rest of creation, beginning with our closest family- animals, plants and our mother Earth.


We will not be able to harm anymore, and we will not be able to hide anymore. We will experience the glory of creation in present moment without the cloud of maia (mind-created reality). We will realize that our actions and thoughts have ripple effect to the entire Universe and that NOTHING CAN REALLY BE HIDDEN. In that moment, for the first time, and not for the sake of profit but for LOVE, we will take full responsibility for our actions. And trust me, this planet will change overnight.

Let me leave you with this: there is not guilt or blame or fault. In a place and time beyond this 3D timeline, we have chosen this path to the light. We have chosen to be TEMPORARILY and VOLUNTARILY enslaved, because FREE WILL IS PARAMOUNT UNIVERSAL LAW!

So yes please, be mad at your slave masters and at everyone who keeps it turning if it helps you to fuel your way to truth, but please realize that the way out is through your OWN INTERNAL REALIZATION. This system will crumble and we will ascend when you stop sustaining it with your beliefs, not when you take a hammer and smash it. If we don't change from within, different flavor of exactly the same shit as before will come into material plane.

Image courtesy: google

You see, I was gonna post pictures of my Marijuana Rhino and write about the ridiculous concept of goverment telling you what plant to consume or not, and I ended up writing this whole story, never getting to my rhino!

Well, I guess you got something to look forward to tomorrow!

Be a rebel today, and take time to awaken. Because that's THE ONLY requirement for you to wake up: your time. And even that, in its own turn, is an illusion, because any awakening is always into the dimension of timelessness!

I know, truth is a paradox. You have not realized that yet? ;)

Thank you for reading, upvoting, resteemign and commenting! Much LOVE to all of you! <3

follow @jankasparec

P.S.: Forgive the fucks. If you find me a better word to suit my pun, I'll use it.
P.P.S.: Forgive the grammatical errors and typos, but I really did overlap my time for this blog, so I'll just leave it as it is
P.P.P.S.: No you're are not a retard if you're not aware of the above, or do not believe in it. You're still my beloved brother/sister and I am using this language to slap you into "reality" my darling:))) Even your "asleepness" has it's divine time and purpose!

1 b.jpg


I think everyone needs a 'wake up call' now:) You paid so much effort on this post and it contains so many awesome and important messages. You are doing a great job to spread this message to the world through your arts and words too @jankasparec :)

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"I don't trust Trump fully until he gets killed btw. That's usually what makes a politician trustworthy:)"

Me neither, but Trump can't be killed, he has a time machine.

Free your mind and the rest will follow.

Ha, that makes sense! Finally a some good-ass prana comment! Following shit outta ya @funbobby51 !

Yo bad madafaka! I find it part of the paradox that since "I" play all the roles, that I also play the role of the "wicked".

Maybe joy is too hard an illusion to break, so we have all these counterweights of pain to wake us up.

If earth is a school, then going into a 4th dimension of light would be like graduating!

Giza by night.jpg
by: @artzanolino

What's your take on the pyramids? You don't think humanity has been woke before? Or maybe DNA compatriots of ours on other planets?

Mate, great comment. Love right back atcha bad ass mofo! and you fucking NAILED it with the word GRADUATION cause that's exactly what it's gonna be!
Pyramids are remains of greater times before the fall of Atlantis and Lemuria IMHO, when humans still operated from solar plexus chakra thus were connected to cosmos. Many races lived and still live simultaneously on this planet, but during that time it was not hidden from us, in the most ridiculous tragi-comedy way that most nowadays humanoids (zombiods) call "reality" :DDD
You want a bad ass webinar like none of this stuff on youtube? Eat this bro. Richard Rudd is my personal friend and he is a REAL GURU:

It's not an easy task to keep on working on yourself daily, egoistic mind finds too many ways to fuck with me/us...you know...

However, I want my life to be an example of how to outsmart this stupid government that is enslaving us bit by bit and people are getting more addicted to all the shiny stuff they don't actually need...

But the change is near I can feel it, smell it, taste it, see it with all my 3 eyes...and those who are too addicted to the unnecessary... I'm afraid that they'll have a tough time adjusting to what's coming...

But I'm an optimist, I know how I was like 5 years ago and how I outgrew myself 500% from that date until now...and I stopped hating people for their stupidity, I just pray to Universe to enlighten us all-what the future brings for me I can only guess but it's something amazing...

Namaste brother!

Loveliest comment ever Petra! Love every word @oceansoul13 ! Love to all! You know I mean the same in my own f.cked up way;) <3

I know you hear me bro, @jankasparec ! Funny story that the moment I joined steemit you were on the top of my news feed with your 2nd post ever on steemit...it was your 2nd introduction and I knew right than that it was no coincidence that I joined this platform too...and in that chosen moment i history... I love how the puzzle of life is starting to show it's main pieces...but still, I can only guess what is painted fully...

I feel ya. You put into words what many of us live with daily and have lived with for years.
I was so happy to see Lloyd in your post. Good man.
lloyd pye.jpg

Lloyd is a fucking HERO my brother! Thanks for your comment @sunsquall !

Indeed! He is in my "Heroes" album over at Facebook, along with the likes of Phil Schneider and Mark Passio.
Keep spreading the knowledge. Take care!

Good post!

love the "lady in a matrix" painting, although I think it may be more than just her stuck inside the matrix! lol

I also just published a post along similar lines, although your post brought the subject to a whole other "metaphysical" level! lol

Here's one paragraph from my post I think you may appreciate:

While just a few years ago, such claims would have seemed outrageous and unrealistic, come 2018, and the liberal media increasingly seeks to support such very notions, perhaps with the goal of normalizing pedophilia for the blood cult of baby eaters "powers that be" who are systematically being outed as the monstrous demonoid creatures they are.

That "vision" might make for one more wildly interesting painting as well, especially once you place it within its full context! :D

Anyway, really enjoyed the post, and once again, another terrific work of art you created! :)

I can totally relate to this. I've been digging deep into this shit on YouTube from past couple of days and have come to believe that we are being controlled through subliminal messages on TV, music, whatever we have in the mainstream media today and also the food we consume to stay inside the box. Everythings seems like a programmed reality to me.. Something like simulation.

I have tried talking about this to a few people and they don't seem to understand what I'm saying and think I'm getting influenced by watching nonsense on YouTube. Although I know so much shit is happening I can't seem to figure out a way to do this - "Do your own shit, meet your creator within, break the matrix in the only possible permanent way- from your very soul!"

I have heard a lot about awakening and stuff but not really sure on how to get there.
"Deep state for me is a mostly underground operating world, and literally it is a whole world down there." - Talking about Illuminati here?

Rabbit hole goes deeper that what you mentioned bro. Start by listening to all the links I posted, and this one too: https://teachings.genekeys.com/solar-plexus-and-the-sixth-race/

Don't worry about what others think or are(n't) ready to hear. Truth is within you and you will know the truth when your whole being remembers.

Names don't matter. Deep State/Illuminati/reptile fuckheads, who cares. I don't even wanna give them credit by calling them names.

Thanks for your comment= take time and you'll see bro @wandereronwheels

Thanks bro.
Getting into it right away.

@jankasparec, thanks for the shout out and mention, much appreciated. There are so many truths in this blog, I don't know where to start... Actually, you did a great job saying what needs to be said. I am glad we connected and I look forward to reading more of your posts... Cheers

Thanks a lot @vinmaru , pleasure is mine too! For sure and please continue posting great stuff !