The Swastika, Devine Symbol of the Natural Earth

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

When first Inspecting this Ancient Symbol, one immediately notices that the Swastika has four arms. There are four arms, each at 90 degrees, these are two very special numbers 4 x 90 gives you 360 degrees. A full perfect circle symbolizes the Sun, this Is an old symbol and the way the Swastika Is presented suggests movement, specifically clockwise movement, which represents all that Is good and pure In mankind.

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The Swastika represents the 4 Seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. In Old Norse: Var, Sumar, Haust, Vetr. The 4 Elements are: Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, In Old Norse: Jord, Aldrnari, Vindr, Logr. It also represents the four directions North, South, East and West, or In Old Norse: Norori, Suori, Austri, Vestri, and the two strands of your DNA. Swastika Is the Sun, the unstoppable warrior, the Skywalker, as he walks across the sky and he defeats the darkness as he goes. In Nordic myth and Norse culture, Odin Is represented passing through space as a whirling disk or Swastika looking down through all worlds. It Is Important to remember that the Swastika Is a very Important symbol to Ancient European peoples and the oldest Swastika ever discovered was found In Mezine, Ukraine carved on an Ivory figurine which dates back an Incredible twelve thousand years. Another sculpture known to have used this ancient symbol was found In Southern Europe, which was home to a neo-lythic people, known as the Vinca Culture, In an area we now call, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, which dates back to around eight thousand years ago. The Swastika Is known by many different names to many peoples, like ‘Wan’ in China, ‘Manji’ in Japan, ‘Fylfot’ in England, ‘Hakenkreuz’ in Germany and Swastika In India. I personally believe much of the true history has been hidden from mankind and the Swastika Is even more Important than many of us realize and may even date back to the very creation of the Earthly realm we exist In.

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In Buddhism the Swastika Is a symbol of Good Fortune, Prosperity, Abundance and Eternity. It Is directly related to Buddha and Is found carved on statues, specifically on the soles of his feet and on his heart, It Is said the Swastika contains Buddhas mind. The symbol of Swastika can also be seen on the walls of Christian catacombs in Rome, where it appears next to the words, “Zotiko Zotiko” meaning “Life of Life.” The Swastika symbol can be seen on the window openings of the mysterious Lalibela Rock Churches of Ethiopia. It is also found in various other churches all over the Earth. Ancient Greeks used the Swastika as a symbol linking Heaven and Earth. Its right arm pointed to the Heaven, and the left arm pointed to Earth. The Swastika was used by the Norse, the Anglo Saxons, Etruscan's, Greeks, the Byzantines, the Romans, Bulgarian Churches, the Hindus, Buddhists, Iran, Indus Valley Civilization and was widely used In Japan and a symbol of the Japanese Hachisuka Clan, the Slavs also have their own version with eight arms, a double Swastika, which has been used In Russia. It was also used In North America by the Navajos and the Hopi. The Swastika seems like a magic symbol, It can be found In every single Important civilization In the world. In choosing the Swastika, to represent National Socialism, the Fuhrer chose an Important and powerful symbol to represent the German people.


'Swastika' comes from the Sanskrit 'Svastika,' Sanskrit Is very Important because It sounds very close to the European language of Germany. Sanskrit Is believed to be the language of the Aryans, Aryan In Sanskrit Is Arya, which means 'Honourable,' 'Respectable,' or 'Noble.' Therefore Adolf Hitler used an Aryan symbol to represent Germans, who he called Aryans. The Fuhrer, Herr Wolf, sent teams of archeologists and researchers to explore the Earth, on many occasions, to search for the original Aryan peoples of the Earth. There are many archeological finds that have been hidden from mankind and mans true history Is undoubtedly completely different to what we have been told. Many researchers have found lots of evidence of giant people who existed all over the Earth. It was the Fuhrers, as well as the great German minds of the time, strong belief that the Norse European peoples had descended from an ancient civilization that many refer to as the Atlantean Civilization. There Is no doubt that mankind’s civilizations have been around a lot longer than we think and perhaps go back hundreds of thousands of years. But there Is circumstantial evidence to suggest there was a large continent to the west of Ireland and Europe, a land mass long since submerged under the Atlantic ocean. A continent where the original white Aryan peoples came from and where the Swastika may well of originated. It Is my belief that the Swastika Is the main symbol of the Atlantis Aryan peoples the ancestors of the original Norse European peoples. There Is other research that suggests a common Aryan ancestor that lived on Islands In the black sea about eight thousand years ago.

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The Swastika is primarily regarded as the symbol of good luck in Hinduism. It can be seen drawn on doors, walls, and other auspicious places in Hindu homes, signifying good luck and well being, It is also used in festivals and Hindu religious ceremonies. There are about 108 different symbols that are associated with Lord Vishnu, and Swastika is one of them. The symbol is usually drawn on the right palm of Lord Vishnu. It is sometimes held in his hand or drawn in some other form around him. When seen from above, Swastika points in all directions simultaneously. Interestingly, it coincides with the four “all seeing faces” of Brahma and so It Is regarded to be associated with Lord Brahma. Besides being associated with Lord Vishnu, Swastika is sometimes used as a symbol for the Sun God. It resembles the mid-day Sun’s rays falling in all directions simultaneously, It was also used in ancient times as a symbol of nature worship, as It Is one of the symbols used for Lord Vishnu, who protects, sustains, and preserves all life on the Earth, It Is also regarded as a symbol of life and preservation. The Swastika Is associated with well-being, abundance, and prosperity and represents the Sun God which is responsible for good crops and food production, so It Is a symbol of good luck and well-being. Hinduism Is one of the only cultures that views the left hand Swastika as associated with Kali and Magic. The positive Hindu Swastika Is exactly the same as the National Socialists version used by the Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler used the positive Hindu symbol as pictured below.

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The main reason many people, In the west, now have a completely warped view of what the Swastika actually means and represents Is because they've been lied to about World War II and the reality of what actually happened. This has been reinforced through education, documentaries, main stream media and Hollywood. A deception perpetrated by a Talmudic, Saturn Cult, Cabal who lie with Impunity and corrupt people and society In the process.

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One of the main reasons why multiple cultures from all over the world have used the Swastika, Is most likely to do with Ancient peoples connection to nature and their knowledge of the heavens, In particular the stars above. The Big Dipper constellation rotates In the sky and In Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter It Is In a different position In the sky. If you make a drawing of the Big Dipper, at the position It appears In the sky, at the start of each Season you will end up with a Swastika, so this ancient symbol Is literally a symbol of the heavens above. So we see that the Big Dipper constellation moves In to the four arms of the Swastika alternately, It will appear In each arm of the Swastika over the course of the year. The Swastika means so many different things but most Importantly It Is a symbol of the Natural World, the Earth, the Sun and the Stars.


So Swastika means a 'Good Existence' & 'Good Being' that Is not to be destroyed and that remains In a good condition, Its deeper meaning Is 'Permanent Victory.' In the context of the cultural origins of the Swastika, this means the victory of Dharma, the fundamental 'Spiritual Nature' of mankind.