Baphomet: kabbalistic freemasonic worship of "the sins of mankind" / "fruit of knowledge" - the luciferian path to godhood

in #freedom6 years ago (edited)


We see celebrities and freemasons using the symbolism of the Baphomet constantly, but what exactly are they saying to us? This requires a bit of a tour into Templar history, Jewish history, the world of Kabbalah, as well as esoteric symbolism. I won't go into full detail on this topic, but only cover the most salient points to get the meaning across.


Blatant Baphomet symbolism

So just to set the stage, I'm going to provide a collage of images just to make it clear to everyone that this is a serious theme in Hollywood and freemasonry that we are bombarded with constantly.

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Baphomet and the Templars

The first recorded history of Baphomet starts with the Knights Templar. The Templar Order was founded in 1118 when nine knights were sent from France by St. Bernard of Clairvaux under the ostensible mission of protecting Christians in the Holy Land. How these nine knights could ever protect the masses of pilgrims to the Holy Land is beyond anyone's understanding, but they were certainly sent on a mission. What this mission was is not fully clear, but likely had to do with scouting for the forthcoming Crusades as well as to search for lost treasures and secret kabbalistic knowledge hidden under the Temple Mount in Jerusalem (where they later took up residence). Hence the name "The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon" shortened to "The Order of Solomon's Temple" and shortened again to the "Knights Templar." A name which is otherwise extremely odd for supposedly Christian knights.

The Templars certainly discovered something because by their downfall on the (now "unlucky") Friday the 13th of October, 1307, they had created a massive military and banking empire that stretched all through Europe, the Holy Land, and the entire Mediterranean Sea. Basically every royal in Europe was massively in debt to them at this point and this is when Pope Clement V and King Philippe IV of France had them rounded them up. However, Philippe le Bel also did something else significant before rounding up all the Templars, he expelled all the Jews in France in 1306. This is not typically connected to the story, but if the Templars were indeed involved in kabbalistic magic as they were charged to have been, then these two events should not necessarily be looked at as completely separate. This addition to the story is further relevant since the Templars were, just as the Jews, involved in paper money creation and money lending. Since usury (any loaning of money at interest) was illegal in Christendom at this time, this job was typically given to Jews to operate since they didn't see this as an issue as long as the loans were to non-Jews.

The Templars were subsequently interrogated and revealed (albeit some under torture) that they were engaging in the worship of Baphomet, that they practiced sexual perversions like sodomy and "osculum infame", and that their rituals included defiling the cross. Now, one could assume that this was all just extracted under torture, but there are a number of factors that should be taken into account:

  • The Templars were structured like a freemasonic order with 13 levels and a Grand Master
  • The Templars used massive kabbalistic and pagan symbolism in all the cathedrals that they funded and built
  • The masons that built these cathedrals trained "speculative masons" which were later to be known as "freemasons" and that also practice kabbalistic magick
  • The freemasons still worship both Baphomet as well as the Order of the Templars
  • The freemasons have named their youth organization, the Order of DeMolay, after Jacques de Molay, the last public Grand Master of the Templars in 1307 (symbolically stating their origins)
  • The freemasons have spawned many more blatantly twisted secret societies like the "Hellfire Club" and "Golden Dawn" (under Aleister Crowley) whose members lived by the statement "Do what thou wilt"
  • Templars are believed to have transferred themselves into the Knights Hospitaller of St. John which then became the Knights of Malta, an incredibly powerful religious order that have their own sovereign state and that most of the highest world elite are members of
  • Temple Bar in London was also transferred to the Knights Hospitaller and is the plot of land just behind Fleet Street where every major British Bank, newspaper, legal organization, and secret society in the sovereign City of London were founded

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Where does Baphomet come from

Let's do a quick biblical recap. Here's the text of Genesis 3:2-4:

The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’” “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

What you need to remember is that in the luciferian doctrine, original sin (and even ongoing sin) is to them the fastest kabbalistic path to godhood. It is represented by the 3rd kabbalistic pillar that passes through the Abyss or Da'ath (i.e. Death - as well as Dark and even Darth). This rebellious path through the depths of the Abyss and against the laws of God is what all "in the know" luciferians, freemasons, and kabbalists follow and why they also have statues of symbolic rebels such as Prometheus (a Titan and symbol of Lucifer) in Rockefeller Plaza in New York. This is why Saul Alinsky (Hillary Clinton's mentor) acknowledges Lucifer, the original radical in the opening of his book "Rules for Radicals." This is also why at the very top of this article is a statue representating George Washington (a master freemason) in the same pose as Baphomet and depicted as a god. This is the result of Washington's "apotheosis" or "becoming of a god" as painted on the ceiling of the dome of the capitol building in Washington D.C.

So the reason that this all applies to Baphomet is that Baphomet is a deification of pure sin. Baphomet also represents sexual sin and perversion as in the Greek Pan as well as the Goat of Mendes - a kabbalistic symbol representing a combination of male and female demons, Lileth and Samael (also called Leviathan.) This is also why you see Baphomet in Golden Dawn drawings with the phrase "Do what thou wilt" above him/her.

In kabbalistic terms, Baphomet is additionally a hermaphroditic deity - with a woman's breasts and a man's phallus. It is also clearly a fallen angel with black wings representing the fallen angels Samael and Lileth in combination. This is one of the reasons you see the gender bending agenda today. The luciferian ideal is fully gender neutral as well as fully evil/good neutral, therefore it promotes any such mixing and any evil desired until there is no longer a clear distinction of anything. This is because as a "god" or "titan", as the luciferian elite like to see themselves, they are above the world of duality as well as beyond the confines of good or evil, where anything is allowed.

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Baphomet is the sum of all sins - the scapegoat

When Solomon's Temple still stood in Jerusalem, the scapegoat was brought into the temple on the Day of Atonement and all the sins of the Jewish people for that year were put upon the head of the goat. The goat was then ritually sacrificed in the temple as a representation of the killing of all sin. All the horrendous sins that fell each year on those scapegoats that were sacrificed have been transformed in kabbalistic magickal terms into a deity of sin, but also a deity of the third path to apotheosis. This is why the elite honor this deity so feverently and in so many blatant ways today.

Anton LeVey, founder of the Church of Satan confirms this in the Satanic Bible:

“The symbol of Baphomet was used by the Knights Templar to represent Satan. Through the ages this symbol has been called by many different names. Among these are: The Goat of Mendes, The Goat of a Thousand Young, The Black Goat, The Judas Goat, and perhaps the most appropriately, The Scapegoat.

Baphomet represents the Powers of Darkness combined with the generative fertility of the goat. In its “pure” form the pentagram is shown encompassing the figure of a man in the five points of the star – three points up, two pointing down – symbolizing man’s spiritual nature. In Satanism the pentagram is also used, but since Satanism represents the carnal instincts of man, or the opposite of spiritual nature, the pentagram is inverted to perfectly accommodate the head of the goat – its horns, representing duality, thrust upwards in defiance; the other three points inverted, or the trinity denied. The Hebraic figures around the outer circle of the symbol which stem from the magical teachings of the Kabala, spell out “Leviathan”, the serpent of the watery abyss, and identified with Satan. These figures correspond to the five points of the inverted star.”

The last question is why the name Baphomet? Many say it has to do with a French derivation of Mohammed, but this makes no sense at all. Elias Levi, a kabbalistic magician that described Baphomet said that it came from the backwards form of "tem. o. h. p. ab", an abbreviation of "templi omnium hominum pacis abbas" or a satanic inversion of "father of the temple of peace of all men." That would make sense to some degree. Much more likely however, it is a derivation of the two Greek words "baphe" and "metis" meaning “absorption of knowledge.” This would of course match perfectly to the "sin as the tree of knowledge" story that the luciferians fully believe and love to push.


I'm always on the lookout for this too, good work. I can confirm a few things about free masonry and have been revealing secrets all week if you would like to check out more. This is more important to the powers that be than most people think I'd say.

Thanks a lot for the positive feedback and the work you are doing as well. We need to make all their secrets known and get people, as far as possible, interested in understanding their beliefs and their accompanying game plan. They don't really hide it (especially in recent years), but they also don't fit all the pieces together for everyone to fully understand it. Without understanding them and their game plan we can't wage an effective battle against them and their final agenda.

Hidden in plain sight.

Absolutely they are. They think they are so clever when they rub it in our faces and the majority don't figure it out or react.

people seem to like it when we share this knowledge, so there is that. Just reading over your work inspires me to keep going bud.

Thanks a lot! I'm very happy to hear that. Definitely keep it up. We need to wake as many people as possible and the more people knocking at their doors the better.

(FYI, you might like my latest post on Trump as well:

There were always people like this but due to them now practicing it openly and no longer being no longer in the shadows it may be a sign that the Age of Grace is coming to an end.

I'm afraid that you're right. The age of grace appears to be over. They are in the process of "the externalization of the hierarchy" where they will continue to put it all out in the open as well as work as far as possible to turn the world into a neo-Sodom. Deadening minds and souls as well as feeding addictions is their modern day form of the Roman bread and circuses to keep us all occupied while they complete their prison planet for us.

Agreed. As frightening as this is, I do have comfort knowing that they will not win in the end.

No, they certainly will not. My one hope however is that as many people as possible are awoken to help stave off the immense horror this attempted takeover is going to bring.


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Thanks for the resteem

They are corrupted in "their" own mind as everyone else.

They look to corrupt everything as part of their path to power. They believe they are allowed to do anything because they are beyond good and evil. This is why they like to call themselves "titans" (of industry) - essentially god-men in their view. They therefore have no limits and will corrupt and destroy anything they need to in order to reach their final goals, even if that means destroying the whole world in the process.

They're idiots that's IT.

They are psychopathically insane and possessed - obsessed with their own egos, their sexual addictions, and their quest for global power.

Whew, this was quite something. Well, I guess they also use their book Ars Notoria. But quite some time ago I already suspected the bible was translated wrong, on purpose, I'd say. Not so long ago I found a proof watching Israeli News Live, where Ben Nun reads certain parts from the Bible comparing Hebrew and English translation. To subjugate women they had to be born from Adam's rib, I guess to make them less worthy, while in original text they stan as equal.
Then when one reads Nag Hammadi gnostic texts, one gets really puzzled about the guy, otherwise known as Immanuel or Emmanuel in the Bible and the Morning Star among the Native Americans talking in there, but the current state of world's affairs become more clear. Get surprised.
Oh, have you noticed the Freemasonic signs among politicians? Four fingers are for the Muslim Brotherhood, by the way, Napoleon has a hidden hand, the handshakes are Freemasonic, and so on.
.... I started preferring watching the plants.

Thanks. I'm sure there have been lots of bad translations and lost information along the way. I also believe that all this blood thirsty crap in the Old Testament is totally twisted and obscene and makes me wonder what the hell god they are talking about in much of it.

Since the Old Testament is a bunch of very old texts thrown together, some of the texts simply don't belong in my view and some that do belong, like the Book of Enoch, have been left out. I'm therefore one to primarily focus on the New Testament and leave most of the rest to the brain dead Christian Zionists that are being conned into bringing about the end times on behalf of the Zionists.

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