The Wake Up: How Facebook Tosses Out Your First Amendment Rights For Freedom Of Speech
Facebook: The Elites Oppression Playground
We are so lucky to be on Steemit now a days. The freedom to pretty much say and do what you want is the First Amendment at its best here on Steemit. The USA may not get a lot right but that Constitution was originally put together with the rights of the people in mind, sadly though it appears those rights do not extend anymore to the internet nor the laws of the land here in America.
Many years ago I fought the ongoing battle of the dying Myspace I used first when it came to social media. I literally believe I may have been one of the last hold outs to go towards Facebook because something in my gut just told me that place was bad news. But as life goes things do change and eventually just to keep up with my friends online I was left with no choice but to keep tabs on everyone by signing up for Facebook.
The early days, not so bad...didn't get the hype about it but I stuck with it. As time went on though and the years progressed, I found myself constantly getting blocks and bans from my profile due to running a horror fan community. Lets just say I was probably one of the more tame ones out there but sadly one of the most popular so I found myself a target a lot by Facebook and the weirdos out there trying to impose my freedom of speech on a subject I enjoyed talking about as a hobby. For awhile there I just thought this to be an issue with some users but as time went on and more digging into the laws of Facebook it was clear to me these guys are trying to rub out the freedoms we have in the USA.
On further investigation I come to find out that the rules in Facebook stand in sharp contrast to the United States’ First Amendment protections of free speech, in such obvious ways it appears to me that if its not on the agenda of Big Brother US Governments plate, its censored to oblivion.

Facebooks Hate Speech Regulations
I am a man with no prejudice in the world, I can thank my parents for that due to raising me with no vision of differences with skin color or beliefs in others in this world. This makes me a person that doesn't worry what others do nor butt my business in their lives, and this also encourages no from of hate within my blood thankfully.
It appears though that in Facebook there is regulations to not promote hate but to favor a more white form of prejudice vs other nationalities. Being a white guy here I just don't get that concept to snub out other nationalities posts of hate but let it ramble on if your of Caucasian decent, seems a bit unfair to not regulate whitey on this one as well.
Just to point out an example, not to start a race war here lol...these are two examples of two posts made on Facebook recently, one a bit more calling for death and one against racism but yet only one of the two was censored and removed.
In the wake of a terrorist attack in London earlier this month, a U.S. congressman wrote a Facebook post in which he called for the slaughter of “radicalized” Muslims. “Hunt them, identify them, and kill them,” declared U.S. Rep. Clay Higgins, a Louisiana Republican. “Kill them all. For the sake of all that is good and righteous. Kill them all.”
Higgins’ plea for violent revenge went untouched by Facebook workers who scour the social network deleting offensive speech.
But a May posting on Facebook by Boston poet and Black Lives Matter activist Didi Delgado drew a different response.
“All white people are racist. Start from this reference point, or you’ve already failed,” Delgado wrote. The post was removed and her Facebook account was disabled for seven days.
Now I don't condone calling out a whole race as racists, I am white with no bone of that here but I do think its a tad extreme to block a person for that because once again she was exercising her rights of Freedom of Speech here. I may not back that belief but hey if you need to scream that out, do so.
On the other hand here we have a guy calling out on Facebook to kill a whole faction of people, and not even stating that there are some of those in that faction who are not terrorists per say. Terrorism is hell in the world but there are those who are radical minded Muslims that have yet to kill a soul but here this guy calls for murder and his post stays put for all to see? Oh wait he is a politician and I forgot, most likely Mark Zuckerberg is the Elite's lap dog seeing he also ordered at Facebook headquarters to exempt any of President Trump’s posts from censorship. Guess you have to be the oppressors to say whaever you want in this world now.

Its Only Facebook, What Does It Matter
There seems to be this strange consensus in the world now a days but citizens. This lull in the eyes to do anything about the rights we should have being taken away. See the system has figured it out well...put out a scare or dangerous enemy at us, make the people fearful and claim false protection by giving up their rights in return. Its gotten so bad that you might as well ask permission by the government to check your mailbox and at the rate we are going you might as well turn off your internet service because we are heading to a state of no freedom there at all.
Facebook is a test phase I believe. I think that crew in Facebook has bowed down to the beast in the governmental system and let them do whatever they please. If you speak against the system, and trust me I know this from personal bans and deleting of my posts on Facebook, your are silenced on that social media platform. The allowing of hate and murder on groups as I declared above, that is dead wrong to allow if your running around censoring people's beliefs in a non violent way.
If we keep using that system and allow them to keep stepping on us we will only end up more enslaved and more prisoners than free thinking people of the world. Its a tragedy to see manipulation in media but more so in the places I connect with family and friends. To me Mark Zuckerberg has sold himself and us out by these regulations he is letting them play with.

Steemit Needs To Take Over, So Does Free Internet
The blessing is this, we have platforms like Steemit right now where we can speak openly. We can say whatever we need to say and put the info out there as it should be allowed. How long we will have this is up to us honestly. We need to be proactive, spread the word and free others from the censorship beginning on the internet. There is platforms working on decentralized internet and we must invest in these most of all so we can keep our internet the way we want. They are trying to cut out our chances to speak with one another and help each other, that is immoral and wrong. Posts like this that your reading and I just made, it could be a thing of the past if we let the machine keep rolling on our rights and trust me it may seem a fantasy now but they are seriously in the law making rooms to begin that process as I type this.
Just remember the power of freedom of speech, its the simplest right you are born with but one you must protect at all costs. If that is taken away, God help us all!!!
By the way, I am resteeming this to FACEBOOK after post on my Steemit Blogger Central page there and on our Twitter. I fear no Elites, no immoral government, nor their bullying threats. I abide by the laws but damn it if think your gonna keep taking my legal rights away to make me a constant prisoner. I am sending this message out there in hopes it wakes people up.
Much love my fellow freedom fighting Steemians, I got your back as much as you have had mine!
Good on you to fight for what you believe in! I however don't think freedom speech exists - but hate speech. I recalled studying JS Mills on Liberty and Media Censorshio. Everything is just relative in my opinion. Let's hope the decentralise system will give you the freedom what the public needs to be inform in the future.
They have already begun taking away that freedom of speech, its still out there only due to the fact its a natural born right but they are trying to do what Hitler did and censor everything down. I think we are in a huge calm before the major storm, a clash of power and taking of rights. We just have to not let it happen and sit back and let them do it. Doesn't take a war, just people standing up against it in the public forum I believe. Luckily though, we have some hard working souls on decentralized internet projects, they need to get that out there and maybe we will be able to retain our rights. Crazy world right now
Makes sense. We are indeed going through a transformation of the structure of power, -I think there's plan for world governance, and will be held up together by the tyrannical control - That's the challenge but as we more wake up to this, and either go along with it or buck the system, facilitates by decentralised system and information technology. Keep up the good work!
I agree, it appears they are go for the full world dominance game now and very blatantly at that. We have to stand up for ourselves or its a complete done deal on us here.
Censorship has no place in a free society. Hate speech is free speech and nothing more (i.e. there is no such thing as hate speech). If you call one thing hate speech or find something you want to censor because it offends you, then you don't understand the value of free speech and freedoms.
Excellent post @sflaherty. Facebook is not the only platform that is guilty of this. Youtube and Twitter have been also known to put barriers in front of people and opinions that they don't agree with. That's why we need a totally free platform, because ideas and thought cannot flourish if we only hear the opinions that we want to hear.
Agreed, trust me today I pick on Facebook but I am planning on tackling the others by one. We can't let our rights be severed by them, its getting too out of hand. The commercialism and fascism junk is so immoral lately its best we wise people up on what they are giving up to continue to feed those machines. I will not stop preaching it long as I am allowed to voice my concerns I feel its my duty to do so. I obey the laws but man are they trying to make every move you make illegal now a days. Enough is Enough for me and I hope others get that passion going to speak up against it
Agreed. I just listened to an interview with Clif High describing the algorithm that YouTube uses that censors certain words and effectively screens out freedom of speech. Nothing like the film "Brasil" with a human monitor but skewed more toward A.I. censoring. Long live Steemit.
Haha, love the cartoon of pissing on facebook ;)
Guys, don't worry- facebook and other centralized and censored media are dying.
As well as Steemit, another one to get on the train with is ONG.SOCIAL
This is built on a blockchain and does 2 things differently:
b) It pays you, the creator of quality content
It's already up and running and should get a big boost with the ICO in a couple of weeks. (Pretty cool that is actually works before the ICO!)
Oh, and yes, speech is free on ONG. You might even get paid for it!
Sweet, I had no clue about that one, I might have to check into that and expand, could always use a boost in income here lol. More of these will pop up I am sure. Had to toss that piss on facebook picture, kind of how I feel lately about them lol
Sweet as. The ONG platform is great, it just needs to gain traction...
Definitely will look into it. How does it pay?
One way is that if they put ads on your page, you get paid 10 % of the ad revenue (vs. facebook's 0 %). If you have a big audience you can pay to increase this to 80 % of ad revenue.
If I understand correctly, they also pay the everyman for being on the site and being exposed to some ads.
Not a bad deal, is the add setup kind of topical or just random what they show people? Hey anything to extend the reach and get money in is always a plus
Nice post
I will follow you, please follow me too :)
Appreciate that and no worries I always follow my followers.
Can you imagine, a social network with BILLIONS of users and their monitoring is NOT fully automated 😲
Steemit needs to ramp up as well. For now we're good with cheetah and steemcleaners, but with more new users getting added we need lesser manual intervention
Agreed, we do kind of need to keep an eye out for each other here also. Not censor but kind of just point out the wrongs done in the community and provide guidance to those who may use the platform in the wrong ways. Overall though this community based decentralized social media platform is the answer to a lot of issues ongoing with the mainstream. We got a great opportunity here, just have to grow it.
Absolutely! Best way to begin is to leave a comment trail rather than just upvotes (at least for folks taking time to read your posts), genuinely do curation in discord and resteem worthy posts. More hands are needed now more than ever & we have a task at hand.
Thats why I started Steemit Blogger Central on Facebook, Twitter, and our Slack chat. I spend every day resteeming articles to those pages and building a community under it pretty strong to run out there and promote each other and Steemit, its bringing people in slowly. More of us that do this, the more this will blossom and get stronger. Hope more of us get involved like that, form projects and boost Steemit for the long haul. Its hard work but worth every second of it
Can you please post the links to the three? Maybe we can keep putting these in past footer and resteem those posts who do this from time to time . It'll help build more traction for these communities.
Ashamed to admit that I wasn't aware of any of the three you mentioned!
I do a lot of update posts on this project but less lately because I been so busy, may open a wordpress site for it soon and eventually a .com site if it grows. If you like to check it out here is the links. To get into the Slack community just click on the link below, put in your email and look for the confirmation on its link and your in to set up your account.
You can post your articles and meet other Steemians on our SLACK for real time growth
Great post. Facebook is doing terrible things with their censoring. Lots of their posts are also divided so you have to choose a side. Their is no middle ground. You are told what to independent thought. Perfect for the sheep. They also invade people's privacy and no one seems to care. I'm done with them.
I am too but do use it for sharing Steemit content with my SBC project, but I can't wait till that is a thing of the past lol. Its immoral what they do, take your info, make money for themselves and limit what you can say. Purely not a democratic platform but neither is the government anymore lol. In the end the people will wake up or suffer for not doing so
Hey dude. Ha, I had a funny feeling about Facebook too..... but yeah the blockchain will deliver us more freedom Than any gov't ever could.... governments are finished..... :)
Facebook is really getting on the side of the government, I guess they put pressure on them seeing they gotten so huge. Blockchain should save us all but its going to take a lot of us to stand up for it to make that happen.
I wonder if governments will block the URL of steemit if they can't control it. it's a bit like torrent sites, they can't shut them down so they just block the url
Actually FB does occasionally cause me issues with Steemit urls lol...I have been banned for day once for what they called over excessive posting. I run a project on FB, Twitter and we have a Slack community called Steemit Blogger Central, I get a lot of headaches from FB about it lol. In the end we will have to find a way around these growing censorships but there is projects working hard out there for a decentralized internet, hopefully we upgrade to that and put this all in the past.
maybe we should setup a blockchain for websites, setup a browser for it. lol that sounds a hell of a lot like tor
actually there is works on a system called IPFS, its actually even an upgrade to the current HTTP system, way faster, decentralized and instead of servers it networks the world computers for transfers so its fast. Its being worked on and its blockchained based completely. That is the answer I believe and should rule out the system from telling us how to use the internet. I get the issues with criminal activity on the internet but they are taking rights to do their jobs and there is no need for that.
can't wait, that will put the powers that be with a few issues to deal with. bet they try and ban it
They will eventually lol. Probably wise I start considering my own server for my own site, make them need a search warrant to pull my plug lol
i don't understand why north korea hasn't setup a cloud computing company. everyone would pay them to host the content that's not allowed in there country. lol
lol...same story as why the US citizens don't stand up, just fear...these governments have put so much fear that they don't have power anymore as an individual. But slowly people will get fed up, just unsure how it will be dealt with then, I hope standing up for your right to speak is not going to erupt in violence but it may due to how the governments work on their end.
You have chosen the best photo for this article.
lol...the piss on Facebook one? lol..i used it before but I figured this just suits this topic as well lol
Great article!!!
Thank you....just get a little passionate about facebook sometimes lol. Glad you liked it