Ukraine corruption - happy new year - England trip

in #freedom9 months ago


Open corruption.

First off happy new year to one and all.

Some shocking videos have emerged on the old interweb regards the Ukrainian crime minister in drag etc, shaking that ass/booty. (And old santa Klaus slob in tights.)

"big club and we ain't in it" Thank gawd.......

And some interesting "facts" regards his houses, yachts, land, wife's spending sprees on speed etc. All paid for since the west poured billions on billions of tax payers funds into the cesspit of corruption named the Ukraine.
It is nothing new that it is corrupt there, everyone has known for decades.

A lot of the cash goes in, the crime minister takes his slice, the rest gets funneled back as in laundered from whence it came, amen........

If you want to see the idiot in drag, youtube is a friend in deed.



I am taking my first trip back to the UK in over 10 years this week, landing in Luton and traversing my way to Derby for a 2 week stay.
If anyone would like to meet up I would like that very much, all welcome.

My mother is now 82 and it maybe the last time I get to see her, plus very much looking forward to seeing the changes to said place in the last decade +.



The media is now beyond a joke, the lamestream I call them.
There are mass protests going on all over Europe, you may be aware of, or most probably are not aware of.
There have been 100's of thousands protesting here in Poland in many cities for a week or more, yet even though I live here, the only way to know is to attend them, or see them via would you believe - Facebook short videos!
Germany - France - Denmark and many more countries have something in common, the WEF attending crime ministers of each country have been trying to crush farmers (directed by the conductor in chief Klaus anal slob & the WEF) with disastrous consequences.

I am not going to load this article up with videos of what is happening & where, if you want to check out what I say is true, please look for videos of what I am about to say on your preferred choice of video site, browser etc.

In Germany and France, Denmark much longer still, but the former 2 at least 2 to 3 weeks, the farmers have blocked roads, motorways, entire capital cities, brought them to their knees, dumped manure on parliaments/political buildings.

They have sprayed police with liquid manure like the former use water cannons, the farmers used "cow shit, pig shit and more."

The meeting places of mp's AKA poli-ticians have relentlessly been blockaded and bombarded with manure, tyres/tires and all manner of abusive direct confrontational means. Streets gridlocked with many thousands of heavy agricultural vehicles, blockades etc. The police try to bring out the big guns in the form of large military style riot vehicles only to be pushed aside by tractors.

Now I know to those in Asia and far flung places not in the west this sounds absurd, but it is happening and has been for weeks/months.

Please do take the time to go and find some videos, it is refreshing to see tyranny getting a good dose if not better than what as a rule it is they dish out at protests.

I say farewell for now, but will check in more often, I promise.

I see a year of turmoil ahead, a defining one, where the masses that have had endless fear instilled in them over the last 3 years, finally erupt and with great vengeance and strength in numbers crushes the oppressors, those that like the word elite, elitists more like - Get pay back and with interest for all they have done, all the vile plans they now openly speak of will come back to haunt them and more, "interest is it not?."
They - just like Zuckerborg in his new house, can build them 100 million $ bunkers, but must remember, one day, like a fish, they will need to come up for air!


To all those that refused to comply, that faced pressure from every side, withstood all the name calling, all the online abuse, all the government attempts to convince you to get injected with a trial drug, to you brave souls that refused to comply and stay the course of truth with nothing to gain. I SALUTE YOU.............

Over and out.

All images open source and free via pixabay and iStock.