
Well, I disagree, particularly regarding John Adams, whom you seem to know nothing about. You speak now because he acted then, and had he not, you would not be. He risked life and limb, expended blood and treasure, time and talent, so you could today criticise a man long dead, who can say nothing in his defense.

What has Xi done for you?

All of the colonial conspirators very existence was derived from previleges granted by his Majesty's government, against which the discontented muck rebelled. What treasure or blood did your gods possess that was not endowed by his Majesty? Your colonial rabble scum have displayed nothing but arrogance and ingratitude. Then again, what is the legacy of humanist Europe but hubris, rebellion, chaos, and destruction?

What has pathetic 'Murican mewlings of "freedom" net you other than a real estate conman in the position of executive in your government with your political institutions crippled by factionalism? As you witness your society rust away in fragmentation born of hubris and petulance, know that your dedication to the fruits of Satanism resulted in your racial suicide.

While your position is untenable, you make some good points here, which I will discuss.

"What treasure or blood did your gods possess that was not endowed by his Majesty?"

I have no gods. All I am and have I have attained myself, without any grant from any peer.

"What has pathetic 'Murican mewlings of "freedom" net you other than a real estate conman in the position of executive in your government with your political institutions crippled by factionalism?"

That is no fruit of my labors, nor is it the result of freedom, but of it's opposite: absolute despotism. While you deride the despots of the West, it is exactly their ilk you propose as your own betters. This is why your position is utterly untenable, and you are often led to write such oxymorons as above.

You dream of corporate masters, whose lust for profits have produced our neoliberal world. But you fantastically disregard the results of that order you seem fixated on, as in the millenia of invasion and subjection China has suffered, or recent decades in Guatemala, where Dole and the CIA deployed the SOA (School of the Americas) to teach Rios Mont to torture and murder 200,000 civilians in a nation the size of Kentucky.

This is the final form of Neoliberalism, of masters you would serve: the enslavement and execution of sovereign people at a whim, en masse, without reason or need. None of the families of the masters are immune to this either, because they are only people like you and me. Sooner or later, someone will take them down.

But, none of this matters, because it is all becoming obsolete, as primitive as stone tools, in the face of developing decentralized and individually owned means of production. When I have no need of the goods and services only others provide, and I am secure against boots on the ground, political power will not exist.

Freedom was our beginning, before history, and freedom will be our legacy to our posterity, that they will enjoy across the starry skies. Psychopaths dependent on enslaving others will gnash their teeth in anger - and anguish. What they seek will no longer exist, and their suffering will only end when they abandon their lust for power.

The sooner the better, for them and all. Cease your dreaming of fantastic kingdoms in barbaric splendor. You are just a man, and will better strive for what can be had.


I have no gods. All I am and have I have attained myself, without any grant from any peer.

So, you forged these barbaric lands into some semblence of order, established measure and standards, wrote legal statutes to regulate and resolve civil and criminal conflicts, fended off would be raiders and pillagers, instituted sociocultural focus and unity all by your lonesome self! What sheer hubris the "freedom" obsessed humanist Europeans display with their pathetic mewlings! Ingratitude is the only defining trait of modern Europeans and Europe influenced races.

It is amazing how you begin the stroy in the middle. You perceive the modern societal rot as stemming from the mechant scum, currently in power, and assign blame to your your betters supplanted by mercantile gnomes. As if the ingratitude and rebellion of the base-born muck, in overthrowing the established system, had no influence upon the rise of the merchant class. As if the systematic subversion of government institutions by elevating unqualified low-born scum into the bureacracy with the merchant gnomes "overseeing" the very governing bodies had no effect on the current rampant mismanagement of sociopolitical institutions. As if "electing" populist whores, answerable only to their petty ambitions and flattering the lowest common denominators, to positions of authority had no impact on the current Western social degeneration. Humanist "freedom" is a mental illness that need to be excised from the collective sum of human consciousness.

The natural state and inclination of the masses is to have the burden of their life managed by their betters. It is your Santanists who force "freedom" upon unwilling and incapable masses via unnatural social engineering, leading the world into extinction and ever-increasing misery.
