My Freedom, My World

in #freedom7 years ago

Praise the Brittani!!

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Oh, wow is she presumptuous!
Yeah, but then this life is an illusion so why not play it up! We create whatever life we choose, so why not be a Goddess?!
I wonder if they should stop telling people "you can be anything you want"? NAH!
I truly believe that any person with tenacity can build whatever they can dream. I love helping people find their passions make a living doing it!
They told me I could be anything I want. Then they condemned everything I did. I want to be a free goddess so, that's what I am. I feel angry when I am restricted. Being told this is my house, yet the government can come take it and I have to pay and ask permission on 'my' property is preposterous!
I teeter back and forth on sticking with the US and changing things to be freer or just giving up and traveling the world and paying for a legal residence in a tax free haven. Perhaps the happy medium is somewhere in between.
The US was founded on the premise that men (I use this term to mean all humans. I am secure in my womanhood as to not allow this to offend me.) are unable to rule themselves and will fall into ravenous animals if not controlled. I reject this concept altogether.
We will always have outliners. There are criminals and wrong doers in this governmental system as there will be in freedom/anarchy. However, how we deal with them is how we determine our civility. In a free society, we are responsible for ourselves and our own. We do not ask the government to step in. The government should not be in the business of controlling our lives. If there is a need for government, it is to provide what the people say, not what is more beneficial for those not affected.

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I probably went off topic but then, I am allowing you into my brain. It works a bit different in here. I enjoy writing and understanding my world. I love debating with those that are able to keep on topic and not be offended by information. I can debate flat earth vs oblate spheroid for hours. I also know it doesn't have a lot of bearing on my life at all. I love to discuss religion. I don't subscribe to any religion but my own (yup! I created my own religion!). However, I can talk religion for days! Information is merely information. What you choose to believe about it is your own personal deal.
I think I've kind of summed myself up here. I look forward to great conversations!