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RE: It’s really that simple. You own yourself.

in #freedom8 years ago

The concept of Self-ownership is key to understanding Freedom, indeed.
And yet, being the master of our body is only part of the camino. In order to be free, we also have to become masters of our minds. Without investigation of our own mind, this is almost impossible...
If we don't know what the mind is, we can't know who WE are. If we don't know who we are, we can't be free.
Investigate your mind!
Face fear, embrace Love.
Upvoted and resteemed.


Well said. Couldn't agree more.

And just to add to that your assertion that we should "master the mind," a prudent individual also incorporates a mastery of the vehicle which transports your mind through space...the body. So many people are ignorant (willful or otherwise) about the harmful things they do to their bodies on a daily basis - whether by COmmission or Omission. Who wants a mind trapped in a body that has been hamstrung, or even damaged, by a careless, reckless, thoughtless lifestyle? Nobody I know. Peace to you and yours.

Right? Destruction of the body is apparently something we somehow like and choose... Peace to you, friend!