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RE: Libertarian Response to State of the Union

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

Hello @jayem. The very act of participating in a vote means that you are engaged in a contract whereby you consent that the victor of the election can rule over you for the next four years. For me, that's a contract I'd rather not be a party to. The only reason that I suggest that Kokesh wait for 2024 is because Trump seems like a one of a kind with respects to looking out for America's economic well being.

The economic collapse is going to happen regardless, but maybe with Trump's magic wand it can be pushed out a decade or two more? He does seem very good at making way for growth in this country; I don't even think that point is debatable.

I just don't know if Kokesh can realistically win at this point. Let me explain why; conservatives are closer to libertarians than democrats are. Democrats have even less in common with libertarians than they do with conservatives, but they don't know why because for the most part it's all cult of personality on that end of the SJW spectrum.

After the recent SOTU, the polls are indicating that Trump's influence is even beginning to infiltrate the minds of democrats. Trump has demonstrated a master level of persuasion. I mean he’s finally starting to defeat the mind tricks of the fourth branch, which is almost unthinkable in and of itself.

In a perfect world the libertarian candidate would always win, I mean if they were a real libertarian. Yet unfortunately it’s not a perfect world, the game is rigged, and the libertarians don’t even have an equal platform.

You saw how they did Ron and Rand, and how they tried to play the race card on them too. The Paul’s read the tea leaves and decided to cut their losses and keep the door open for the influence that they could still retain. That pissed allot of people off, including me. But ask yourself this, what if Rand Paul didn’t endorse Trump after he dropped out? Or what if he hadn’t dropped out at all, and stayed in? Would Hillary have won the election?

It’s just food for thought is all; by all means though, vote your conscience, that’s how it’s supposed to be right? Just keep in mind if you do vote, and don’t get the results that you like. The very act of voting was an act of consent to be ruled by the winner, and thereby; if you don't like the results, you've forfeited your right to complain about it.

A deal is a deal.


Why is there a problem with Adam running now? If he wins then we are better off than with the Donald. If he does not win, then at least he got the message out 4 years sonner than if he did not run until 2024. Win win. I did not cast a vote at the last election. So I did mot consent to this idiot or anyone else ruling me or any of my peers. BTW If the majority of of voters did not vote, by your logic, wouldn't that mean that the majority did not consent? I hear a lot of good things about Trump that gives me hope and then all hope is lost the next day when I see the next action that he does. Maybe there is a method to his madness. As far as I am concerned, the jury is still out.

@jayem, I hear you. Trump has me confused too. It's almost like instead of being firmly principled. He knows that life is less black/white, and more in the murky middle, so it's better to win some, than lose it all.

I'd be more comfortable with Kokesh if he would be willing to abdicate his votes to Trump if the odds were unrealistic near the end of the race.

To me, Trump is more often less worse, than the controlled opposition. For example, with Hillary it was saber rattling with Russia, which is absolutely horrifying, and utterly stupid.

With Trump it's saber rattling with North Korea, which I also consider to be utterly stupid, but less horrifying.

There is a Japanese saying: "The nail that sticks out gets hammered down." It's mostly true if you give it some thought.

I see trump as a qubit, he's either a one, or a zero, or both one and a zero. He seems to be constantly shifting as needs be. This might explain his ability to negotiate so well.

On the flip side, if Hillary won then maybe the sooner the SHTF and the sooner the revolution or the reset. I don't really believe that but who knows. Hey thank for your replies and the debate. I shall follow you. Edit: BTW I want to emphasize the win win concept I was talking about above. Why wait until 2024?

@jayem, I can totally see your point of view. It's difficult to say when would be better, sooner or later. Ultimately, it would be a subjective thing. Some would end up suffering more, and some would end up suffering less. I don't even know where i'd fit in those two categories.