THE SECRET LIFE OF DMITRY MEDVEDEV - President Of Russia 2008-2012 ( Part 9 )

in #freeintrnet5 years ago

Chapter nine

in which we tell you how "Dar" foundation built a house where you can drive straight into the apartment in your Lamborghini

From Krasnodar region we are moving to St. Petersburg. Dmitry Anatolevich did not forget his native city: there is another important asset of the Medvedev empire here. It belongs to the king-foundation of this scheme- “Dar”, together with yet another very interesting firm “Certum-Invest”. Both companies are closely connected with the Prime Minister. We have already told you about “Dar” foundation in detail. Let’s now take a look into “Certum-Invest”.
“Certum-Invest” bought this historic house on the Neva embankment at an auction in 2009. The amount of the deal- 740 million rubles.


The house purchased by “Certum-Invest” company
The mansion of count Kushelev-Bezborodko is a historical building of the XVIII century on the embankment in the heart of St. Petersburg. Despite the fact that over the past century, the building housed everything from communal apartments to office space, it has retained all the attributes of pre-revolutionary St. Petersburg palace- fireplace rooms, seven-meter ceilings, stucco, caryatids and ancient art parquet.
For all this, "Certum-Invest" paid 740 million rubles. The media was interested in the deal— first, it is a very low redemption value, and secondly, it was completely unclear in whose interests the purchase was made. The only founder of "Certum-Invest" at that time, Philipp Polyansky- a graduate of the law faculty of St. Petersburg State University, refused to disclose any details. It was not clear where the 29-year-old lawyer had the funds to purchase and renovate the historic palace.
At that time, it was not clear who the real buyer of this property was. But we have an answer to this question. It is “Dar” foundation.
It was worth waiting only a few months before everything was explained.
Look at the extract and pay attention to the change of ownership. It was "Certum-invest", and three months later, “Dar” foundation… appears


Extract from the Federal Service for State Registration
This is not a market deal. And the founder of “Certum”, Philipp Polyansky (in the diagram) is not a random person. He is not just a graduate of St. Petersburg State University; Polyansky is a student of our old friend- Ilya Yeliseyev. And Yeliseyev gave him the job. Before “Certum”, Polyansky headed “Dar” foundation for several years.

The building was originally acquired for “Dar” foundation, while the commercial structure called “Certum-Invest” is another reincarnation of the same organization managed by the same people. It is not only about the founder- Polyansky.
Apart from him, in “Certum-Invest”, Svetlana Iskrova- also a student of Ilya Yeliseyev- is in the Director’s position. She previously worked in the “Mansurovo” agrocomplex. “Certum-Invest” shares addresses with the other companies participating in the Medvedev scheme. Well, the fact that "Certum-Invest" almost immediately re-registered the ownership of the mansion to “Dar” foundation, indicates one thing: the participation of "Certum" in the auction was only an operation to hide the real buyers.
All these years, “Dar” foundation had been renovating the building. In 2016, it was rented out. Don't expect that the charity foundation built the best orphanage or hospital in the world. You remember that "Dar" is a very specific benefactor. It only helps one family- Dmitry Medvedev’s. And from now on, any existing or future members of his family have a place to live in the northern capital.
Now, Kushelev-Bezborodko mansion is an elite house with 29 apartments. It will not be easy to overestimate its elitism. In addition to: the traditional pools for such complexes, the closed spa complexes, the garages and the security guards; some apartments have, for example, an elevator for cars.





The interior design of the Kushelev-Bezborodko mansion
Sometimes, it so happens that you didn't drive your car all day, you got bored and you drove it up from the underground garage to the center of the living room to admire it. Or you left your phone in the car. It could happen to anyone- also, you won’t have to go far. It is convenient, actually.
The non-profit "Dar" foundation received six apartments in the property. The total area is 1800m². Other apartments were again in the possession of "Certum-Invest", which returned to the project. The commercial space on the first floor of the mansion belongs to a familiar firm "FinKonsaltingK "(the financial consulting company of “Dar” foundation), which bought 20 hectares of Rublyovka land for nothing from the presidential administration, and also provided land for the "Mansurovo" agricultural complex as a mortgage.
One of the apartments belonging to "Dar" is particularly nice. According to the description on the official website, there is a main marble staircase, a marble fireplace, an internal elevator and even a staff room with a separate entrance.
The market value of the property of "Dar" foundation in this house is easy to estimate. According to the website of the agency that sells apartments in this house, the average price per square meter in it is about 520 thousand rubles. Multiply by 1830 m² belonging to “Dar”, and we see that the cost is almost a billion rubles.
A separate surprise is the fact that some of the apartments of "Dar" are for sale. “Dar” foundation, we remind you, is a non-profit foundation. The sale of apartments on market conditions does not fit into the statutory activities of such an organization.
Let's pay attention once again: “Dar” foundation and Certum-Invest company are controlled by the same people and are closely connected personally with Medvedev.
We don't know what will happen to the apartments in this mansion. Perhaps Medvedev himself, his friends or relatives will move into one of them. Or maybe, as usual, they will transfer ownership to some new foundation with a significant name like "Foundation for the protection of marble stairs and automobile elevators in St. Petersburg".

“Certum-Invest” company, headed by the former Director of “Dar” foundation and Ilya Yeliseyev's pupil- Philipp Polyansky, acquired a historic mansion in St. Petersburg. Three months later, it gave it to “Dar” foundation. The mansion was rebuilt into a luxury house consisting of 29 apartments. The apartments and premises were distributed to related companies. Six of them with a total value of one billion rubles are owned by “Dar” foundation. 23 are owned by “Certum-Invest”. The commercial space on the first floor of the mansion is occupied by FKK company, which is owned by the Winter Olympic Sports support foundation that previously gave the “Mansurovo" agricultural complex land as a mortgage.

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