The World MUST Eradicate All Luciferian Freemasons

in #freemasons3 years ago (edited)



33rd Degree Freemasons are the root to all of the world's evil and the orchestrator of its problems. It is imperative that we come together as a civilization and eradicate all Freemasons. To comprehend exactly what I am referring to and to see just how dangerous it is to leave this secret society unchecked PLEASE watch this video: They work covertly to accomplish their end goals and loss of life means nothing to them. These evil villains work night and day coming up with ways to demoralize nations, keep them in fear, and keep them dumbed down.

33rd Degree Freemasons are responsible for the entire COVID-19 plandemic, (certificate of vaccination identification with artificial intelligence) (19=AI) and the loss of life about to occur from the genocidal vaccines manufactured by the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, AstraZeneca, Moderna, Pfizer, and J&J, will not only be the single biggest genocidal event in world history, people are going to learn the hard way that survivors of these vaccines will have the Mark of the Beast due to an ingredient named "Luciferase." The death toll from these vaccines will be close to 7 billion when they are done, and if nobody stops them. Police cowards must make the arrests NOW regardless of their affiliation with Freemasonry. We cannot have police officers who are Freemasons since Freemasons are loyal to Freemasons only, not the public. It is a serious conflict of interest. This really needs the public's attention. You cannot take an oath to the U.S. Constitution while also taking an oath to the Satanic brotherhood of Freemasonry.

Step #1: Remove all Freemasons from every position of power in every industry in the world. Remove Freemasons from all police forces, courtrooms, financial institutions, and politics, etc. They cannot be trusted! You have been warned! They will destroy you and your family members without any feelings of guilt, just like they did to David Crowley, his wife, and daughter, and millions of other people, as well as Tracy Twyman.


As of today, August 30th, 2021, Freemasons are advancing their Communist One World Government beginning with Australia. First, they orchestrated a false flag attack, a deadly mass shooting in 1996, to put the people in a state of fear and also so they would feel guilty about owning guns and easily surrender them, then they were forced to surrender all of their guns. Don't think for a second that today's events were not part of yesterday's plans. Freemasons plan things decades and even centuries in advance. First, they demoralize a nation, then they dumb them down, then they instill fear and divide the mind-controlled masses, and then they conquer.

Australia will be a Communist country before the end of 2022, or sooner, if the people don't stop what is happening. Australia needs the help of all freedom-seeking, God-fearing Christians, and patriots throughout the world. We must all help Australia or else you're next! If you know people who just won't listen to reason, then you need to mention and There are other websites that don't censor videos, and I'm not saying that BitChute doesn't censor, but it's the best place to learn the truth about what is happening in our world. Things are moving very quickly. You must act fast.

Get active in your communities now while you still can. I can assure you that everything that is happening in Australia is a message to the United States. Why do you think they built that wall? Now nobody can escape to the South. We are in grave danger if more people do not spread this information. Remember, have people promise you that they'll go to and start digging. If more people do this, we'll have a greater chance of turning this mess around, and if Steemit is censoring my content or preventing others from seeing it, then God have mercy on their souls. Nothing surprises me anymore, the way so many people have been deliberately indoctrinated and dumbed down to the left. That's the problem with ignorance. When you ignore the truth for too long, you begin to believe and live by the lies churned out by the Zionist-owned and CIA-controlled mainstream media.

Note: If there was a way to find out exactly who is the wizard behind the curtain and responsible for all the evil in the world, you would discover it is the Hungarian Jews, the same people who blew up the twin towers on 9/11/2001. If you don't participate and stop these psychopaths, I can guarantee you they are going to kill you within the next 5 years. They are deliberately culling the world population with deadly vaccines and they are moving at warpspeed because people are waking up.

The people have learned the truth about the faulty PCR test. They've learned the truth about the four known cures to COVID/Flu that were being suppressed by the mainstream media. They've learned that the Flu is more deadly than COVID. Then they learned that COVID and both of the so-called variants were never isolated, therefore they don't exist. The whole thing was one gigantic scam. Now, do you want to know how they attempted to spread the flu throughout the world so quickly? Chemtrails! Nobody was paying attention when the planes flew over spewing their toxins in the atmosphere, but I did. I noticed it. Then they had the nerve to tell us the cargo train with the label "COVID-19" was a hoax. It turns out it was NOT a hoax at all, and willfully ignorant pilots were and still are spraying people with toxins rather than walking off the job. God have mercy on their souls too.

Anyone who is complicit in helping these enemies of humanity, in even the slightest way, will pay dearly for their poor judgement. It is best to analyze every situation throughout your day and ask yourself "Would Jesus do this?" Think about it. Would Jesus fly a plane and dump poison on the people and play dumb, like he was just doing his job, following the orders of sociopaths?" NO! He would not! Would Jesus do as he was told and kill all of his cattle or dump his farm's milk in the field, to create scarcity? and ultimately famine? Have you noticed your store shelves? They are preparing you for what's coming. They are literally conditioning you to live with less. They do these things very slowly so nobody notices and makes a big fuss when the supplies are all gone, so they can get away with another covert slow-kill genocide. & THIS IS NOT MY IMAGINATION! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
