Grab a $750 PayPal Gift Card Now

I love gift cards. I love giving them and receiving them.

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So if you plan on buying multiple gift cards for a ton

of people as a gift, it can get a little expensive.

However, if you are planning on doing that,

you can purchase gift cards at a discount

if you buy them in bulk.

(logo humming)

Hey guys, it's Justine with The College Investor:

Investing & Personal Finance for Millennials.

And one of the tricks that I've found on saving money

with gift cards is buying them

through discount online retailers.

So discount gift cards work by people selling

unwanted gift cards to online retailers.

And a lot of times what these retailers are doing

is they are selling them at a discount.

So high demand gift cards are typically

going out of stock really quickly.

Whereas if you are getting gift cards

with the least amount of demand,

you're gonna see them at a really steep discount.

But oftentimes when you are using

these discount gift card sites,

most times you are going to receive those gift cards

in the form of an email or an electronic gift card.

So you're not actually going to see a physical gift card

in the mail, unless there is an option to do that otherwise.

So you're gonna have to get creative

with how you present these gift cards

if you are doing these as a gift.

So of course, we scoured the internet to figure out

exactly where you can buy these discount gift cards.

And I'm going to start with my favorite one that we found,

which is with

Okay, so right off the bat, what I really like

about is if you have a Rakuten account,

you can also get 1% cash back on your purchase

through this website.

What I also like about how this is really organized

is you can search for gift cards by discount, by cash back,

or, like I was mentioning,

if you really wanted a physical card to give somebody,

you could actually sort that by physical,

physical card type,

and then it's going to show you exactly what gift cards

are available as a physical card.

And what I also love about this is you can see

exactly how much of a discount that you'd be receiving

through each of these retailers.

So Cracker Barrel has up to 15% off their gift cards.

So if you find something that you like,

you can just click on that retailer

and then see exactly what's available.

So you can see, you could get a $50 gift card

at the price of $42.50, which is 15% off,

or $25 gift card for $22.50, which is a great deal.

So you can easily organize your gift card search

through physical or electronic, or by cash back

or the percentage discount.

Another one you'll wanna wanna check out is

So they offer a 45-day guarantee on all of their cards.

So if something were to happen and you weren't able to use

that gift card for whatever reason,

they do offer a 45-day guarantee.

And also they have a Facebook group

where you can get access to be the first to know

what kind of gift cards are being offered at a discount.

So let's head over to their website and I'll show you

how it works.

Okay, so this is the CardCash homepage,

and you can quickly see there are big retailers

like Starbucks, Walgreens, Michael's

all listed right off the bat and you can see exactly

how much of a discount that you would be receiving.

It looks like the ones in orange are probably

going to give you the steepest discount.

So you can simply highlight a gift card

that you're looking for,

and they'll give you the option of figuring out

which gift cards you want to use.

And so they actually have quite a few 250 eGift cards

are available at $50 and you can get a 1% discount

if you were to bulk order Old Navy gift cards.

Your third option is to go through

They also offer a guarantee, theirs is 60 days.

However, I did find on their website

that some of the retailers that they were listing

and advertising as that they have gift cards available,
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