Free Speech Demonstration in George Square, Glasgow 15/02/2020

in #freespeech5 years ago

Noam Chomsky Free Speech quote.jpg

Since Freedom of Speech is now increasingly under attack in Scotland, it seems very overdue that a protest is warranted. The idea that you can exchange harmless ideas, even if they offend people, without fear of any reprisal from the state and/or being removed from any public platform, is increasingly being thrown out of the window in exchange for competition ranging on both sides of the political spectrum (Pro-Indy or Pro-UK, Pro-EU or Anti-EU, Pro-War or Anti-War, Pro-Choice or Pro-Life, Pro-Gun or Anti-Gun, Pro-Taxation or Anti-Taxation, Nazi or Communist, Capitalist or Socialist, Pro-Religion (of any kind) or Agnostic/Atheist, Edgy Comedy or Safe Comedy, Left-Wing or Right-Wing or even in the centre, the list goes on) to see who can ban and censor the other from the public town square first, which would lead down a dangerous path similar to what the likes of George Orwell predicted in his famous books.

This upcoming protest on Saturday 15th February 2020 (starts at 11am GMT), hosted by Richard Lucas of the Scottish Family Party, aims to unite not just those who have been outraged at the recent deplatforming of the Evangelist Preacher Franklin Graham but those who see the tables being turned towards totalitarianism where any kind of dissent or perceived dissent of any kind is no longer welcome. I myself do not always agree with Mr Lucas on everything he & his party says in public but I am of the very self that abides by the main rule of tolerance: "I may not agree with what you say but I will fight to the death for your right to say it".

Bear in mind that the weather is set to be wet and windy from 7am onwards on Saturday, you will have to dress appropriately to tolerate the wind & rain for the time of the protest in Glasgow but you'll be glad to know it will be a short demonstration which will end at 11:30am GMT. Keep your fingers crossed that with Storm Dennis arriving on Saturday that much of the transport network in and around Glasgow won't be disrupted for the 15th of February 2020.

If not traveling by car, the nearest train station to George Square is Glasgow Queen Street (both High Level and Low Level platforms) and the nearest Subway station is Buchanan Street. Plenty of buses do travel into Glasgow City Centre but do check with the bus routes to see if the bus(es) you choose to go on go either directly to George Square or arrive as close to the square a few to several streets away before boarding the bus.