THE ENTRY WAY - DAY 195: Freewrite

in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)


I have done this more than a thousand times, but each time it feels like a new journey, The call me the world traveler, I bring in lost souls to the place beyond time and space, an Institute of soul regeneration called Archon Inc. Although the executives call it soul regeneration, Regeneration is a fancy way to put it, what we do is far more sinister as we prey on lost and naive souls to feed our dimension.

Many eons ago, as The One consciousness evolved in our dimension, when we all realised that we were all one and world peace was attained, we found a way to generate unlimited energy and life force that could last us till infinity, we call it "The Yahweh simulation" A super-conscious Intelligence that could simulate entire universes, the goal was to use soul energy from lower dimensions to power this super interdimensional quantum system, the same system would feed us energy from the soul experience in the simulation. It was the perfect circle of energy as souls are infinite. when a soul completes a system-lifecycle it is reintroduced and brainwashed into the same system.

That is my job as the world traveler, to stand at the entryway of the Yahweh simulation and guide the escaped souls back to the system through a series of illusions, mind control, scare tactics and intelligence gathering, I have so many tools at my disposal and I use it as I see fit.

Although my story with Archon Inc. goes a long way, My name is Ezekiel and I was once an escaped soul, I don't know how many times I have been regenerated as you lose your soul memory with each entry, I also don't know my many lives before I gained my freedom from the Yahweh simulation, My soul memory files is still keep locked by the executives, I can only remember my last experience in the simulation.

I could remember, there was a gosh of peace as I feel a release of energy as my limbs froze up, I heard flat machine tones as some group of doctors rushed in with defibrillators.

"All clear!" A doctor yelled while shocking my chest with the electric iron, but I felt nothing, I was cold and numb as I saw myself lay down, lifeless, exposed and vulnerable. My wife screaming in distraught as she tried to hold my empty shell of a body, she was the only family I had and to see her in such a state was even more heartbreaking than death itself, I was about to reach over and console her when I was instantly teleported to a field of bright grass, they seemed to be bioluminescent as they changed color with each movement.

"Where is this," I whispered to myself in awe and pure curiosity.
I suddenly saw a bright light shinning on the horizon and thought to myself "well that must be heaven," Now I was totally sure of my death, I was about moving closer to the light when I heard a ringing sound in the distant, The bell sounds reminded me of catholic morning mass in my childhood, I was raised catholic but I stopped practising as I grew older, nevertheless, I was entranced by the sounds as I walk towards it, I floated a few miles and came across an old looking church bell tower, as I looked closely and began observing the tower, I noticed an inscription covered with dust, I wiped it off and outtered the words which read "THE ENTRY WAY" as I pronouced the last sylabble my whole beign was lifted to another plane of existence.

That was my last memory of the lower dimensions, ever since I have been dwelling in this reality, as a criminal of the Archon state, apparently my soul broke the Yahweh simulation code using a strange program, The executives called it "The entry way program." and from my knowledge, the program was either mutated or written by someone inside this dimension. I just happened to be the first soul that accessed the code. The code also happened to mutate my being as I could understand and break down illusions on a grander scale compared to the Yahweh simulator.

The executives were very perplexed about my situation because my soul could not be merged any longer with the Yahweh system, they couldn't send me back in.

"That church bell code has corrupted you," they would say to me. but I would like to think it set me free. they also could not kill me because souls do not die.

A new bill was launched on my case called "Soul Ascension Asylum program" the deal was that I had to serve probation as a soul miner at Archon capital, depending on my hard-work, I was promised I would gain my freedom as an interdimensional being. because of my special abilities of soul manipulation, I quickly rose in ranks as I was dubbed "The world traveler." I was assigned the project "Yahweh 2.0" an upgraded version of the Yahweh program that could shut down "The entry way" once and for all.

Even though I am very conflicted about my work at Archon Inc. as thousands of souls have been mined by my hands, I have to do what I can to ensure my soul ascension, I am held hostage in this reality and I need to be free or maybe I could devise a plan, a plan to build a stronger Entry way code into the fabric of YAHWEH 2.0, one that would free the billions of souls although it would bring to the collapse of Archon Inc. It's not going to be an easy feat, I will definitely need allies to pull this through, if at all it could ever be possible.


The Freewrite prompts is organized by @mariannewest, the prompt for Day 195 is "THE ENTRY WAY". If you are interested in freewriting you can check out her blog for the daily prompts. I had fun with this prompt as I exceeded the normal 5 minutes frame, thanks for reading :-)


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Well when it comes to having a job, this sounds as interesting as it does tiresome. Soul caretaker....i say what most would, Yahweh or no way!

haha... I doubt the character even has a choice as he's held on probation as a worker for Archon Inc. thanks for reading :-)

what a cool take on the afterlife and so well written

Thanks for enjoying my story @tattoodjay. I appreciate you passing by :-)

This is an interesting other world fiction story @abmakko I enjoyed reading it, as it has some compelling theories. Ezekiel is going to have to do what it takes for self-preservation.

Or he can choose to be a hero and risk his freedom, thanks for reading and dropping a comment @chifij :-)

You featured post for the #Freewrite Favorites was already past pay out, so I'm dropping your vote on this post. Thanks for being such a great supporter of the freewrite challenge!

thanks @freewritehouse for voting on my recent post instead, Much love 😊

I LOVE the idea of writing about the afterlife in a different way. I love how you captured it here. How creative!

Thanks for the compliment, I'm glad you enjoyed the story :-)

I really got caught up in this fascinating story. I especially liked this comment.

I would like to think it set me free. they also could not kill me because souls do not die.
Well written.

Thanks for reading @wandrnrose, now that I think about it. that excerpt could make a killer line in a poetry. thanks for passing by :-)

Welcome & it can!

OMG! I love this! Soul miner, soul manipulation...sounds like souls here on earth, unfortunately. I sure hope that "the World Traveler" is successful in building a stronger entryway code to free all of those souls, and to free his own in the process. Tip!

I am also fascinated by this character to be honest, I sure hope he becomes successful in his plot. Thanks for reading :-)

A very interesting read. It’s funny how you make the afterlife seem so bureaucratic, it reminds me of the Whitewolf tabletop RPG Wraith. Great job, I want to know more about this universe even though quite frankly IT SCARES ME!

There is nothing more scary to the common man than capitalism on steroids. The Archon Inc. do possess a monopoly over the universe so the power might have corrupted them or maybe they have their reasons best known to them.

Thanks for the resteem and enjoying my story, I appreciate 😊

I thought two weeks ago when first I found your blog "this guy is a genius in his writing skills.. hmm.. such great poetry... "
.... now this one article just blew me into "kingdom come"
I have no words to express the feeling I am feeling right now. If you were anywhere close by I would give you a big hug my friend.
What is it that you know that we (the rest of the world) do not know?
The most interesting bit that struck me the most is as the One Consciousness evolved in our dimension ...
Love it. Thank you.

Thanks so much my friend, I am so touched by your comment. I'm just as amazed that someone could enjoy my content, 4 months ago before I came to steemit I didn't even think of that ever happening.

I am a compulsive daydreamer, Day dreaming is a tool I used to escape my realities, but on steemit I choose to share those thoughts and dreams in a manner that people can enjoy. I'm glad you love my content. sending some internet hugs your way too 🤗

Thanks for your awesome comment.

Seriously, I truly feel that this one post alone can be made into a movie. You should try to write a book or even a series of books. You have the rare gift of capturing your dreams. The state of day dreaming is a very powerful state and there are so many of us trying hard to get into that space that you so naturally go into. Good for you.

Thanks my friend. to dream is to live freely.