Eagle Scout- A co-op wewrite story/poem for @freewritehouse 's #freewrite wewrite partnerup challenge by @anonymummy and @mr-neil

in #freewrite6 years ago

Eagle Scout- A co-op wewrite story/poem for @freewritehouse 's #freewrite wewrite partnerup challenge by @anonymummy and @mr-neil

Eagle Scout

Part 1 by @anonymummy

I never knew any eagle scout and I wouldn't know what they do. But I'd love to be an eagle. With a bird's eye view scouting the pine trees and heavily wooded areas and lakes for potential or weak prey, or a loose toupe.
Yes, the world would be soo much better with me around.

Have you ever wondered why I like toupes? It's because they look like helpless rats trying to escape their masters and too weak to do it. That makes them my dinner! Mwuaha ha.

Yes, you stupid trump guy I know it's not a toupe. But that doesn't mean it's unmistakable as a dead animal trying to escape your horrible head. plugged in or glued on its meat for the pickings. and if it refuses to come off as you say? Well, I'll enjoy scratching out the eyes of the guy who blames Mexicans for a shit economy job losses and overpopulation. When you could be focussed more on terrorism. Hey, you Mexicans... Australia is more than happy to take you in over Muslims!

Part 2 by @mr-neil

Here is the Trump guy
and his best mate Farage
Maybe we can lock them
in my best mate’s garage

But now Trump is on his way
to the place they call UK
and he'll be going out to dinner
with Theresa May
The speaker of the commons
didn't want him there
He had similar values once
But he grew to be fair
So what of May's values
Does she even have a plan?
Or will she resort again
To the immigration van
So what is there to do
In your darkest hour
You throw a massive bung
Just to stay in power
As for the Trump guy
and the guy called Farage
Let's lock them away
In my best mate's garage
The End

immage source
A note on Racism by @anonymummy. I know my half specifies Muslims but let me be clear. We only mean the herratic fanatic terrorists who hate western civilisation and want to turn the western world into their third world one.
So let me be clear not all Muslims. And a lot of Australians mean the same.
IT IS A GENERALISED CONTEXT. Personally, I am non-religious as religion provokes extremist behaviour in all religions.
What I should have said at the end of my posts in place of Muslims. Is potential terrorists.
Quite currently the world is dealing with a serious WAR ON TERRORISM, and all that Mr President can think of is The wall between California and Mexico.
I would also like to be clear I used the five-minute timer on the application www.themostdangerouswritingapp.com/write.html
if you stop writing for three seconds before the five-minute timer is up it deletes everything you have written and makes you start again.
And off the top of my head, I couldn't name the countries our sweet terrorists are hailing from.
Forgive me.

A note on symbolism

the American eagle is a representative symbol of freedom And Mexico used to be a member of the united states! And due to this walling off business, no Mexican is legally allowed to cross the border to visit any of the other states in America without a visa. WTF? Would that the government could break Mexico off of the continent and send it adrift.


Speaking of a free rights and freewrite, luckily for me and my filterless thoughts, I partnered up with a complete stranger on the same side of American Politics as me. @mr-neil.
Thank you for writing with me it's been a pleasure. This was my first wewrite!

Freewrite Prompt


Wewrite Contest


@mr-neil 's Post

This post by @anonymummy

For more Challenges check out this list of links

Forewarning. These challenges are designed to raise money for a charity on steemit and currently do not reward participation with sbd as there aren't enough participants available to contribute to the challenge and there for very little reward for these challenges is being earned.
Rewards for participation are mentions for all participants and displays in weekly highlight posts for top 3. except for selfie challenge as the highlight reel is a giant selfieflood hence the challenge name selfieflood.
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selfie challenge
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(Logos made using pixabay and cooltext websites)


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