
I really like this words,
'Right now my soul is a voice in my head. It tells me what it wants all the time and I try to deny my soul.

As long as you're aware that you're a mischevious old manand not at all serious XD Just watch out for the fun police.



The fun police are the worst!

Fun fact "Did that shirt come with those lumps!"
was my husbands grandfather's line upon meeting me.

I was like... respect old man - pervertedly ballsy fella, it stuck with me.

I love your words @artwatch, out of curiosity I would like to know what feeling inspired them.

I have been dirty dogging someone for a while now and I just feel like a perverted old man in my advances at this stage. I am just embracing that inner dialogue in this post.

*grabs harmonica and plops down in the vacant rocker

Hey there dirty old man...woman..person, i like your style.
Lovin the demon muse, what an adorable representation of darker side one can harbour.

Tips rocker over

AND JUST WHO said you could sit their fucker! - capitalize your "I's" cause it's starting to kill me inside. XP

Would you like to take a tour of the Back 40, old manwomanperson?

I have an axe to grind so yes...

Oh the shit dialogue and real life movies that goes on in my glad I'm not alone. You're the one with the balls to speak of it! I'd get slapped so fast by people around me if they knew a fraction of it...

I got around to reading Heart of Darkness the other day. The narrator describes Kurtz by saying "But his soul was mad." I thought, this takes the belief in the soul/body duality to a new level!

If we have a soul that's separate from our mind and body, isn't it supposed to be the perfect thing? Like the Platonic, perfect form that goes off to heaven when we die, so that we're not trapped in a warped and crippled form for eternity?

But if the soul itself could go bad - how terrifying is it to consider that our minds and bodies could be in thrall to a poisoned soul?

Well, we all just do the best we can, I suppose. Lucky for us your soul is a horny one, smoking away somewhere there behind those glittering eyes.


I'm worried about you. A solid black avatar and talk of a poisoned soul. Don't give in to the darkness! Put a candle somewhere. Let the shadows dance, at least.

Hoping you're all right and hard at work at that amazing new comic.

All is well, chill.

I don't know if to call it a rythm or a poem, but it was a creative and well written words. Blended with your artistic works of art drawing which looks very unique and nice @artwatch

Excellent reflection excellent photo that's art

Amazing piece, the little devils are my favorite part.

Thank you, glad you liked them :)