
You're right, only I have to honour the weekends a bit more as non working time (or little as possible) if I'm completely honest. Often I'm glad my full time working boyfriend is home during the weekends to keep the little girl busy for some hours while I write ... Thankfully, I find myself spending less time behind the laptop during the weekends the past couple of months :)

thanks for stopping by!

You're welcome, I try to seek out new and interesting people around here so you'll probably see me stop by again.

I will follow your example, because I also notice that I often stick to the same people. Not because I'm not interested in others, but just don't want to dig through the heeps of how to say this polite.. garbage? lol... You probably get what I mean. I often only find new people when doing some curation .. Have a nice day!

dig through the heaps of how to say this polite.. garbage?

I do this daily as I curate for @curangel, but there's gold hidden away sometimes and so I keep digging away. It's certainly not easy but if I can find just one person to comment and vote on then maybe my comment or vote will make a difference to them, encourage them.

I remember being a very small account and how amazing it felt to get the notice of a larger one so I keep digging.

Thanks for commenting. I always appreciate people's engagement.

True that! It's hard work sometimes though (my personal experience) .. but I also know that there is still a lot of great content out there..

Welcome, I used to engage a lot more, because I know.. engagement is key.. but often I just don't have the time or not logged in.. many reasons lol. But I told myself to start engaging more again, I miss having the interaction.. it's more rewarding than the votes imo..

Have a great day!

more rewarding than the votes


I remove the monetary value form things and just write content and engage as best I can. Makes it simpler and takes away the pressure.

Have a good day.