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RE: Don't treat people as Things - Suesa rambles

in #freewrite6 years ago

I find a great deal of fulfillment in showing compassion for others. I know this is not something that everyone feels, so I rarely expect it to be returned. I try not to consider the emotional labour I have given as an entitlement to receive it later from that person, at least not publicly.

It does not stop it from hurting, though, when someone you have poured so much of your energy into has no interest in doing the same for you. But in these cases I just try to remember: I don't have compassion for people only as a service to them; I do it for me too, because it is a fulfilling experience and makes me happy. That happiness and fulfillment are my "reward" for my efforts. Not an entitlement to reciprocation down the line.

That said, it is hard to describe the feeling that results when you recognise that someone you once supported is now offering you support. I love feeling like that and I am lucky to have people in my life that I can experience that feeling with.


I didn't want to suggest that giving emotional labor entitles you to receiving it. It's more about being aware that you shouldn't discard people just because they stopped being useful. But aside from that, I wholeheartedly agree with you!