3-Part Weekend Freewrite - 5/8/2021

in #freewrite3 years ago

I decided to take up this challenge on freewrite even though I havent written in a long time. However I really enjoyed writing as fast as possible within the 5 minute interval and the topics were interesting.

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Prompt 1

We were back in her kitchen,
having lunch, as she had suggested.

My heart was pounding, I felt as if I couldn’t breathe. Was this just my anxiety taking over or was I just crazy to be worried over something I knew the outcome would not end well. It wasn’t
that I feared what she would say it, was the fact that I knew where she was going
and that she would convince me to back down. It’s the fact that I couldn’t do anything
about it yet I could change the whole situation. I wasn’t going to give up that
easy though, it was something I strongly believed in and I could never back
down now. It was never an option to give in to something that was wrong and
even though I loved her not even she could take away the faith and belief. She
glanced over at me and tried to convince me that what I was doing would surely
get me killed but for me it was something worth dying over. I left the kitchen and
decided to change my clothes before I le

Prompt 2

He did not come from Athens,
he continued, but his brother lives here.

I looked at the tall figure infront of me and wondered if I would ever succeed. Maybe Anna was right this would surely get me killed, although I had to take a chance I had to see for
myself if I could do this, so I went with the man to look for this so called brother
that was never mentioned before. I didn’t know the outcome and if he would be
willing to help but I had to take risk. 
Even if this man was telling the truth about it would the brother even
know where to find it? I supposed that he was the other son of the doctor and
maybe he would help us. The worries in my eyes were very evident and if he
would see me this desperate he might not be willing to help. We walked for a
while through dark pathways until we came to a rather peculiar door with hinges
that looked distorted and the fragments of wood sticking out. I wondered if it
was really the doctor’s son, to my surprise it was…

Prompt 3

Rain started falling

when I realised that he wasn’t going to help us. His cruel , vicious tongue slit my
hopes in half even  though he knew where
the doctor left it. He was the only one who could have made a change
but his bitter character wouldn’t allow him. I noticed him glancing over at the
vase on the top of the fire place as we spoke, he constantly looked at it as we
spoke and I was sure the doctors note was there. I knocked the cup of tea intentionally
on the ground so he would get up to get it cleaned up. As he left the room I
quickly looked in the vase but there was nothing there, although that’s when I
noticed the piece of paper under. I grabbed the paper and placed it in my
pocket. I made my way back to where I was standing and pretended to be admiring
the painting on the wall. The doctor’s son told me that the painting was very
beloved by his father and was the only thing he inherited. Finally I realised
that his bitterness was towards his father who left all his wealth to the other
siblings and left this son with just one painting.