My Spirit Guide - Shamanic Journey.

in #freewrite7 years ago

Enormously large dark glossy eyes had been looking into my soul but I felt absolutely no fear.

In fact, the eyes had the opposite effect on me: as soon as our gazes crossed a magnetic warm force washed over my heart.

I couldn't move - it felt so raw and so good... the eyes were connected to my heart and it felt as if in some drug induced lucid dream the eyes had swallowed my whole being. I was unable to move, hearing everything around me yet unable and... UNWANTING to move.

Despite the image being like the one of a horror movie this felt incredibly good.

Dark viscousness of the eyes surrounded my heart like black warm honey. The honey spread over my limbs cocooning me and shielding from outside stimuli. Surprisingly I felt ...loved.

The love washed over my heart with such force should I not had been restrained by the black viscous mass I probably would've woken up from trans. But instead the mass held me and the feeling burrowed into my heart so deep that I felt tears streaming down my face and my whole body shaking.

The pain was sweet and raw, and beautiful.

So beautiful I did not want it to go away.

Please, don't stop. Ever.

The large dark eyes sent next jolt. I - as a separate entity - had dissolved. In eternal, unconditional, pure Love.

...drums were thrumming and from afar the Shaman's voice summoned my next Spirit Guide to appear...

Rewind a few days back.

I had no knowledge about shamanism. I was on my walk in the new area- in the middle of nowhere.

Cold weather chased us out of the spot where we hunkered down for the winter. Non-typical for the area frost told us we needed to move. We followed. I was the one to pick our new spot. And I chose the one in the middle of nowhere..

I was on my walk in the middle of nowhere, when I spotted this tree. There was a garden to the left of it.

ribbon tree spring.jpg

Something like that is nearly impossible to miss.

The tree made me curious. I contemplated for a minute and stepped into the garden.

The Blue Buddha smiled at me.

blue buddha.jpg

There was no one in the garden... I wondered along the pond listening to the melody of water running out of the large pot and into the pond.


The garden was serene. Mid my wandering I noticed a woman and walked towards her. She introduced herself and I apologized for intruding on her property.

"I couldn't help it after I noticed the tree..." I reasoned

She seemed to be not surprised.

I asked her what was her occupation

"Healer" she said simply, "I am a Shaman".

....."you are about to meet your next Spirit Guide".... her voice came to me through magnetic sound of a drum

This is a freewrite and I used my own pictures (except for the very first one - source Pinterest) taken with my mobile phone camera.

Please let me know if you would like to hear more.

Also, please feel free to share

Sharing is Caring (1).png

Thank you! <3


жуткий глаз...

beautiful thank you for sharing this!!