Hemlock Is The Answer, a freewrite

in #freewrite3 years ago



The Hemlock Society and the Fir Society are at odds.

It all started over the stand of conifers behind the Cabor House. This stand of trees had long been held up as a valuable stand of ancient hemlock, the very stand that had hastened the demise of a long ago village villain, known locally and not-affectionately as "The Pope." He earned this moniker for lording it over his constituents, for he had been elected to lead them. And lead them he did, into sickness and despair, without compassion or regard for any basic human rights of self determination.

The people back then finally got sick of being told what to do, and conspired to do away with The Pope. Their chosen method was to poison his home's well with branches from the hemlocks behind the Cabor House. This they did. Not long after, The Pope curled up into a ball of agony and croaked.

Now the Fir Society has taken a peek at the undersides of the needles on one of the supposed hemlocks, and found those tell-tale two lines, proof positive that the hemlocks were indeed firs.

So what killed The Pope? His doctors, that's who. The doctors' hands had been tied just like everyone else's, and they'd had enough. A simple injection of bonafide hemlock and "Poof!" The Pope was dead.

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This is my entry to @mariannewest's daily freewrite challenge. Today's prompt is the hemlock society.




Hemlock is poison? Sounds the pope deserved it.

Yes hemlock is poison. Socrates is said to have chosen to die by hemlock. Thanks for stopping by!

Thank you for letting me know. Never knew that.

I wonder if there are firs...and moral doctors in DC? LOL!


Interesting way to kill The Pope. Have a happy day!