Moon Fall -- 5 Mins FreeWrite Thursday Prompt: Moon Shadow

in #freewrite2 years ago


The night was bright. Hans stumbled through the deserted street, weary from the day's work. His overalls were slightly tattered and the bag he carried was heavy, but he kept moving. The moon was full, and usually, the full moon exhilarated him. Tonight, however, he couldn't get his spirits up.

For how long? He asked himself. For how long would he work like a slave seven days a week just to make ends meet? He used to have lots of potential, used to see himself as strong, handsome and powerful, but it had been years and he had achieved nothing. Everything he used to have had been lost. No one listened anymore. No one cared. All everyone wanted was to use everyone else and it made him mad at the world.

If he could, he would burn it all. Let them pay.

Suddenly, the night darkened. Clouds gathered and blocked the moon. Hans couldn't see a feet ahead of him.

"What the...?" He exclaimed.

Out of the shadows, something emerged.

"I am the spirit of the moon's dark side," it proclaimed. "And I have come to bring moon fall upon the Earth. You will be my vessel."


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