in #freewrite6 years ago (edited)


A few days back, I took a day off , ate a lot during the day and went to enjoy the sunset by a river..

** The photos have nothing to do with my thoughts..

I have heard so much going on this 50/50 curator and author rewards and somehow just can't stop thinking about it. I'm to be honest not sure what's good and what's not as really, I have been trying to read the big detailed posts by all the bigger fish out there and really trying to understand with a dictionary on the side lolol.. but really, I sometimes really think 'Do they even understand what they say'..

Well, I don't. Too complicated and I don't get it. I don't even know which is better between the system we have right now and the one they've been discussing for these past weeks.

Honestly talking, as a creator, this 50/50 would suck and sure would f* us over hard. I don't know how do other people create their content. My written post mostly take me not so long like half an hour to an hour I would say but my video take always several hours. Some may hit 8-10 hours if you would love to count all the transit with editing and all.. That's my side of saying 'No..'

They say, this would help more with the engagement and all that so if it would really help with this then really go for it. I'm desperate for engagement really. Funny when I spend much time and got just 2-3 comments from human beings and the others are those bots or official account saying 'Thank you for using this.. bla di blah'. Hmm.. wow, now that I think about it, most of the comments on my post are all those kinds. Dang it! That's my side of saying yes.

Wait, there's noting to do with commenting! Oops!

Anyways, all these that they have been talking out of the human language, I can't really tell what's right, what's wrong or what's worse, what's better. Who's smarter just drop me a comment (if there's anyone reading this bland post at all lol)

So many ways to encourage us all to engage though it's not the easiest thing or if so, are they really going to be doing what they want to do or what the system force them to do? I have joined this challenge called the engagement league last week and I got to the 25th place. Not bad huh? Great I have actually got some skill by joining another challenge on another platform that ask you to comment at least 500 of them in 10 days. If you suck at math, that's 50 comments a day! A lot! Yes!

What I discovered by doing these challenges is that, curating/consuming is actually somehow fun. These past few days, I have met quite a few new people on the platform with their super posts.. and I thought to myself, where have I been / what have I been doing all this time. Curating could be so fun!

Are you curious? Till this point, what the hell I am saying? Yeah, same here! I don't even know and that's how I take advantage of the word 'freewriting' right here. I write whatever in my mind and I most of the time confused so yes, I might get you confused as well.

A few other people still are against one another's point of view and it would be fun to see and learn what will really be the final result and how could all these flaws on Steem could change. I'm excited to see! at the same time, I will also have to be prepared for my new creator's life.

Anyways, what do you think about this pink dolphin swims in the blue ocean in form of mandala?


I personally don't like it no more but it will be here on my back just.. forever.. Dang it!

㋡ All photos taken by @kungkuii


well about that dolphin! I gotta say the design is just awesome!
very very beautiful!
would've been better if it was bigger! ( my opinion only dear hehe :) )

I would hate it even more if it's bigger. Just my opinion also! LOLOL

hahaha for sure! that is your tattoo and you do it the way you like it ;)


I don't think 50/50 will change anything. As an author, it would suck. Even if 50% goes to curators, you still have to remember that 50% is distributed amongst all curators so I don't think it will make a significant difference. It is still better to be an author and have 50% given to you as opposed to 50% given to however many people upvote. DTube already tried the 50/50 split and it didn't work. On YouTube, you don't make any money as a curator or commenter yet it still has good and authentic engagement.

When people find that engagement is more fulfilling than earning money, that is when people will connect more and consume content.

I don't think 50/50 will change anything.

We shall see. I feel like it would change things big time but not sure which direction. That's why I'm excited to see and at the same time, gotta be prepared.

It is still better to be an author

I'm trying to make my balancing life being both creator and curator right here.

On YouTube , ..

Because it's totally a different system.. We really gotta stop comparing these 2 but you do you!

Thanks for the thoughts and let's see!

Of Course it will change something, the amount of rewards the creators get for starters. And all this talk about it encouraging engagement I find it as a mere speculation, it's not a guarantee, it could go either way, is it really worth risking loosing content creators over? If this was to pass, the rewards would be demotivating for creators, some posts, like Mo said, take hours to put together. I have friends like @harshilpatel who take days to come up with a single DTube Vlog. Because they value the quality and the kind of message they are putting out here. You think it's fair for their rewards to be reduced by 33%? Because that's what's going to happen.

Another thing, content creators are the most valuable asset of any platform. If they stopped creating there wouldn't be any need for this platforms. They bring the value. Without Value a platform is as good as dead. As such, it's very important to make sure creators are well appreciated, in terms of rewards in the case of Steemit. Keeping in Mind Not Everyone is a Vlogger.

Great to See your train of thoughts @waybeyondpadthai

Yes, you are right that it would demotivate authors. It would suck for authors to get only 50%. My first sentence was regarding engagement. I don't think 50/50 will increase engagement because if money is your incentive, it is still better to shit post and earn an entire 50% of the rewards than comment/upvote and only get a small piece of 50%.

IMO, even if you made it 100% curators and 0% author (I don't recommend this at all), people will only engage for the money and upvote at random or just find the highest payouts to upvote.

Probably so..I agree with you on this one.

I don't think 50/50 will increase engagement because if money is your incentive....

It would in turn counter all that we are trying to be and promote as a community-Quality content. It's not worth the risk. The truth is, there are a few bored and probably greedy high stakeholders that want to disrupt things, keep us distracted from what is most crucial at this point, SMT'S.

Money motivated engagement is so hypocritical, whatever happened to doing things from the heart?

If people realize that they need each other for more than just money, you will get people doing things from the heart. If there is no need to bond with others for anything other than financial success, then people will tune out and not waste their time with other people. This is essentially what is happening on this blockchain but things are changing very rapidly.

it could go either way

Exactamente amiga!

Great to see your train of thoughts as well and I actually kinda guessed it what would be coming from you. I do agree on the points totally <3

Nice tatt lol. Everything has their own cost and benefit, but nothing is more costly than a failed content and rewards platform. Linear rewards enable everyone to undercut Steem's economy (marketprice, attention) without any real risk, so we have a pool of perpetually discounted Steem that works against the stakeholders themselves. So our proposal is introducing some minimal cost of change (50% curation, moving away from linear rewards, 10% downvote pool) to bring about a functional platform.

I wouldn't call the current system failed, it is working as it was meant to, what you guys should be looking into, if you truly want to help content creators is a way to control bid bots so worth content can get the visibility it deserves., not taking part of the rewards from hard working creators. Like I said before, creators are the people who add value to a platform, without them, a platform is as good as dead, there wouldn't be need for curators them. And the thing is, the so called high stakeholders you guys are trying to bring out to be involved in the platform, most of them hardly curate or sell votes, which ultimately I feel is not their sole purpose to be on the Steem Blockchain, Majority are just silent investors waiting for the right time to take profits probably.
Increased engagement and earnings for creators is just a speculation, it might or might not work.. Too big a risk, not worth it.

I think you are spot on! Thanks for enlightening!

The pink dolphin says 'thank you'.

I know what you guys' proposal is. Been studying like the 4th year in the uni. Have nothing against it (well..) but don't truly understand either. Also the fact that a few smart dudes I do believe and follow even have different thoughts on this. Dang it!

I don't get #deep stuffs and the pink dolphin says 'don't go #deep around here on my dumb post the Wong'


I wouldn't call the current system failed, it is working as it was meant to, what you guys should be looking into, if you truly want to help content creators is a way to control bid bots so worth content can get the visibility it deserves., not taking part of the rewards from hard working creators. Like I said before, creators are the people who add value to a platform, without them, a platform is as good as dead, there wouldn't be need for curators them. And the thing is, the so called high stakeholders you guys are trying to bring out to be involved in the platform, most of them hardly curate or sell votes, which ultimately I feel is not their sole purpose to be on the Steem Blockchain, Majority are just silent investors waiting for the right time to take profits probably.
Increased engagement and earnings for creators is just a speculation, it might or might not work.. Too big a risk, not worth it.

I really wonder - What is the 50/50 thing? I have not heard or red anything about it yet :/

The dolphin is cool, btw! :D

The dolphin says Thanks! and here you go

Get anything fun out of all these, let me know!

Appreciate it ! Will work my way through it later °o°


These past few days, I have met quite a few new people on the platform with their super posts..

One of those was you! just so you know! hahaha ;)

Ha! So nice of you! Glad to follow you!

I don't like this idea of 50/50, I think the author must get the biggest part of the reward as he is the one who creates the content, comments, and curators must not have as much as the author. Some posts may take very long to create in research, graphics or in post prod in video. I feel the way the 75/25 is now is fair.

Curators provide the funding though and all users can also benefit since curation is something everyone can do. It takes two to tango. Plus linear + low curation rewards just make it easy for anyone to efficiently sell their votes under marketprice, and it also disrupts content ranking, etc. Overall, just working against the favor of SP holders. Without an active curation economy, producers that take time and effort will have a higher chance to get left out. Today it's too costly for any large stakeholders to support actual contributions.

Edit: some thought exercise - imagine if there's 0% curation rewards, what will almost everyone do? People would rather vote themselves only. It actually has the same effect as 100% curation rewards. There's a symmetrical effect. Same goes for 25% curation rewards and 75% curation rewards. So now we're left with 50% curation rewards right in the middle.

Good one! The middle path is needed, all these calculations are without the consideration of vote buying and all those bid bots and numerous accounts owned by the same person.

There is no perfect solution. Perhaps one could have some simulation of the different formula and see the results. Then, psychological persuasion can never be predicted in advance. A referendum?! The whole ecology of Steemit is far too complicated to be dissected and analysed. How about those whales and dolphins, passive investors's reactions.
No way that a change will not entail unforeseen consequences!
There is no such thing as free lunch! Karmic rules.

As for other issues in Steemit time will fix it and will also tell what is the good algorithm also, the situation of the market not helping yet.

Thank You, @kevinwong. The way you explain it makes more sense than what I've previously read. It is never easy to give satisfaction to each side, but as you explain it the content creators may lose some on their posts but will get it back the other way with curation (if their stake is big enough), it is a good way to incentivize the investors and stakeholders which are vital for the eco-system. There is a lot of confusion around about the subject, it must be explained clearly, when reading comments in a few posts, I get a wrong idea about it. Maybe the best is to let the time fix the confusion by the practice. Just have to see what's all parties will think of it in a month or so. Also, today's market situation makes everything harder for everyone, no matter if you are a curator, investor... the 50/50 maybe the best answer to today's situation. Thank You.

Yeah, this one I do agree! Sh* , this topic confuses me a lot lolol

with a dictionary on the side
Hahahah :D I know this, spent last 10 months like this, writing my thesis and reading other scientific papers :D Reading each sentence 5 times :D

And that tattoo is suupercool :) I immediatelly noticed it's mandala formed and find it totally cool idea!

LOLOL exactly and imagine now I have to do that on Steem. 'What are they talking about I want to understand !!!!' LOLOL

Thanks for the compliment on the tatt. I love asking peeps and hear they say they do like it so I don't hate it much more than I already do! LOL

read bit more into the post now...

My written post mostly take me not so long like half an hour to an hour I would say but my video take always several hours.

Hah for me it's exact opposite :D writing takes a lot of time cuz I mostly write bilingual and adding those 2 columns with pictures overlap sucks..+ I try to match the layout so the slovak/czech people can use it to try to learn english :)

And with's just clip after clip after clip..some basic effects and boom render :D

And 50/50 would for sure suck for people like u...I actually didn't even know smoething like that is being considered...don't like it tho, cuz that curation will go to whales it actually even takes power from minnows hands as they can't even earn that much with great content (in case of 50/50) not only curation is almost nothign for them but now even rewards are taken frmo least that's what intuition tells me it'll be like

I already mentioned 4 posts about this in one of the comments. Go read if you'd like. It's deep stuffs though.

A lot of creators think like you do but those with bigger stake think differently..

Yepp I've seen that comment..dunno, I don't care that much to read those ... Steemit isn't financially so important for I'll just roll with whatever whales decide to do :D no reason to waste time on that as I can't change anything :D

Wow, now you're right on that. Haha lol

I am worried about the 50/50 thing too. I spend hours even days on every of my posts. I always think I deserve more rewards on my posts.
The big whales take the the biggest advantage from curation. If it changes to be 50/50, I can't imagine whether the authors would like to make efforts to create great contents anymore.
Maybe I am wrong. Maybe I can't see the big vision. I am just worried that if the whales still upvote their friends most of the time after changing to 50/50, will steemit be better?

Totally got what you say.. I'm worried about it myself as well on the 50% author's reward.

Maybe I am wrong. Maybe I can't see the big vision.

That's totally what I think too. That's why I'm confused AF hahaha LOL Wow, dumb post right here hahaha.

I was think I must make Tattoo also one day ... and this one looks cool :)

Hahaha, think twice or hundred times what to get! :)

Thank you!! And I try think... :) I know it is not easy to think what is right to make it :)

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