(Un)lucky Number 13 - What is it for you?

in #fridaythe13th7 years ago

I know it's been a while since I've posted (AGAIN. I know) but I won't go into all the excuses as to why (at least not in this post), so I'll jump right in.

Since it's Friday the 13th here already (as I'm on Latvian time, 2 hours ahead of London) - I wanted to dedicate this post to this Number - 13. 

Wtf. I literally just finished typing number 13 and my entire screen froze which is actually hilarious! Nice one, WiFi 🙄

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I'm actually not a believer in Friday the 13th being an unlucky day (as it may be perceived by many in the Western culture) but what I have noticed over the course of years is that Number 13 in particular has been popping up throughout some of my most memorable life events. 

Not all of them were tragic or bad, in fact - majority of them were very positive but I have always kept it at the back of my mind and wondered if it's just a pure coincidence, or if there is actually some sort of correlation with that day of the month?

Let's look at some of the events that happened to me on the 13th:

  • My mum died on the 13th of October when I was 14
  • I started by first relationship on the 13th when I was also 14
  • I got my first job on the 13th when I was 16
  • I passed my driving test on the 13th of February when I was 17
  • My ex's birthday (of 3 years) was/is on the 13th of April (happy birthday by the way! Lol)

...and I'm pretty sure there were probably other big life events that also happened to be on the 13th (I just can't seem to remember them now but I know there were more).

I mean, I certainly can't make any groundbreaking conclusions out of this but part of me does think that it is a little bit weird that some of my most memorable life events (minus Ben's birthday, of course), and my 'firsts' happened on the same day of the month.


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I'm quite curious to see what you guys have to say about this and if you consider Number 13 to be unlucky or lucky or nothing at all? And if anything like this has happened to you as well?

Like I said, I'm not superstitious at all but I wanted to share this with you (considering IT IS Friday the 13th) and see what you have to say.


Inga x


By the way, don't tell my dog Milo about this... I don't think he'll forgive me.

P.S. And for all you Londoners and photography lovers out there - I got an email from WPO (World Photography Organisation) the other day and they are giving away 25% OFF all standard tickets to their amazing 2018 Sony World Photography Awards Exhibition at the Somerset House because they don't believe in UNLUCKY. 

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I thought it tied in quite well with my post so I wanted to share this with you too! I've been to this exhibition for 2-3 years in a row now and can 100% recommend it to those who truly appreciate photography (@kieranstone - I'm looking at you, only a shame you're all the way in Oz).

If you want to get the discount - book it via Eventbrite ASAP (the offer lasts for 24 hours only)!


I do not belove this
Friday 13th or
Saturday, Sunday 13th
It doesn’t matter
It about how you deal with kind of culture believe

Woah. I'm going to play the Lottery in the morning. It's my lucky day! :)

Numbers will be 1 3 13 .... :D

Hahaha but really, is it a lucky number or you're just taking the piss? Lol

Let's just call it non-lucky :D So yes, I'm taking the piss haha.
You gave me an idea for my vlog tomorrow though :D

Haha, well, I'm glad. You're welcome. I better get a shout out ;-)

welcome back!! I don't really see 13 being unlucky or lucky to be honest. I haven't had the same recurring date for big life moments. nothing that made it really obvious. Being the 13th where you are today - I hope a happy big life moment comes your way 😊😊

Aww thank you! To be honest, nothing major has happened to me on the 13th so it could have just been a phase, who knows :-)

Thanks for reading and voting, it’s nice to be back again!

I didn't think about it being Friday the 13th until I saw this post. And now that I know it's Friday the 13th, I'm going to continue not attributing anything special to it.
Humans are designed to find patterns in seemingly random patterns and data. We attribute meaning to things and correlate information. Just like any superstition of bad things happening, the brain associates the next bad thing to happen as confirmation of the theory.
Spill coffee on yourself on Wednesday the 23rd, how unfortunate.
Spill coffee on yourself on Friday the 13th, it's because it's Friday the 13th!
Walk under a ladder...10 hours later a bird poops on you, must have been the ladder thing. You could have got every green light while driving, got a big tip at work, any number of good things happen to you, but as soon as something bad happens, it confirms your superstition.

That's my thought about it.

As for the photo awards, I did go one year. It is worth checking out and seeing amazing photos IRL rather than just on a screen.

Yeah, I totally see what you mean. I actually wanted to see what people thought of Number 13 as a whole and not necessarily Friday the 13th (I just happened to post it on Friday the 13th, haha).

I mean it can be any number really, some people have a 'Number' of some sort that they bet on or see pop up all the time. Maybe it is all in our heads though and like you said, we're inclined to look for patterns? I think in my case I haven't noticed it until about 4-5 things have happened on that day of the month in the space of 4-5 years.

And absolutely, I just got my tickets so can't wait to go!

For me, today means I'm finally recovering well from a few weeks of illness.
In time for the weekend

Yay! That's great news :-)

I'm amazed you can remember all those things happened to you on the 13th @ingaaa. I would have no idea of the dates for them, not even my ex's birthdays, although they were longer ago than three years. 😂

I also would never have noticed it was Friday the 13th if you hadn't mentioned it but as you have, I've decided it's going to be a lucky day for me! 😁

Hahaha, I know - I am too! Although as you can see I couldn't remember anything more recent... It all could have just been a coincidence who knows :-)

I honestly don't believe in Friday the 13th - for me it's just like any other day!

@ingaa its only evil to those who think it is.but to those who dont ita nothing .me jsut another working day

Sure though that's not the question I've been asking other Steemians :-)

That's so awesome of Sony! I think it's a bit too soon for me, but I will try to go the first week i'm back.
As far as Friday 13th goes.. you've definitely had some weird stuff happen you to on that day babe. For the longest time 13 was my lucky number and I still use it for a bunch of things out of habit. I guess I just gave up on it.. not sure what happened really.

Omg, come if you can! I’ve already arranged to go with Liam and my friend Ali on the 3rd of May - join us?

I thought so too but then I don’t recall anything major happening on the 13th in the last few years so who knows. What luck did 13 bring to you?

I think i'm gonna go on Friday 4th with Al and his parents. 3rd i'm busy.

I don't believe in numbers.
Luck is nothing.

Fair. You don’t believe in luck either?

I think it's funny how the number 13 stands out to us so much because it (wrongly or rightly) has this stigma attached. I wonder if it would have been as well-known as an "unlucky" number, if not for the film about Friday 13th? In my opinion, this connection between 13 and bad luck makes us more likely to notice and remember when things happen that are related to that number. By the way, I'm amazed that you can remember the exact dates of all of those things. I have a great memory generally, but not where numbers are concerned. No idea when i passed my driving test :D
I have one story to add to this, which is that my Dad always believed that 13 was his lucky number but he died in 2013. Kind of a tenuous connection I know, but it's been useful for me to remember which year it happened. As I said, 13 sticks in my mind more than other numbers.

Yeah, it probably does because like you said, people have attached a certain belief to it. Well, anyway - thought it was a slightly different topic to post about - thanks for reading! ;-)