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RE: Making Soda From Rainwater! How Frugal Can You Get?

in #frugal7 years ago (edited)

That’s awesome! I really admire you for all of that.. I am basically jobless since the beginning of May becaue somw stuff happening at work and I really need to step up my spending game like you do at least a little.. good thing I only drink water anyways.. trying to get the big bargains in the super markets as of late as well.


Sorry to hear that. I hope Steemit will help alleviate things. Right now I depend totally on Steemit earnings, so watching SBD tank has been very stressful.

It’s going to come back around. It always does! Just wish you manage with what it is now until then! This market is quite crazy and very often not reliable when we most need it to boom. Unfortunately no one can survive on patience.

Thanks for you